Drangons In North II

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287 AC
Location:- Winterfell


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"I want to go to the wall with you Uncle Benjen". says Jon to his uncle

As they entered the gates of Winterfell Jon pulled on his Uncle's legs, Benjen looked to where was pointing. Without missing a beat he unsheathed his sword and ran towards the men on top of the young lady.

While Benjen fought the men Jon came closer to Amara and laid his own cloak over her to save her from the cold.

Benjen yelled for his brother and the other men. Ned stark came running out with his sword out along with Jory Cassel and some other men, not too long after that Lady Catelyn ran out with Allysandra accompanying her. Allysandra screamed when she looked at her older sister's body and ran to her with tears running down her face. Jon, Allysandra and Catelyn stayed by Amara's side.

Once the men were taken care of Ned ran towards Maester Luwin to get Amara checked.

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287 AC

Location:- Winterfell3 Weeks later


Amara's POV

Pain thats all she could feel all over her body, she tried to move but fell out of the bed and cried in pain.

Ned and Catelyn came running in trying to help the young lady.

"They....they...they tried to" Amara tried to speak

"Hush little one don't try to speak, save your energy" Catelyn cooes at the young girl

"What happened?" asks Amara

"Some men attacked you, Benjen took care of some and we have some of them held waiting for a trial." Catelyn explaines.

"What happened to me? Why is this happening to me? I want my mother and father back, I want to go home." cries Amara

Both Ned and Catelyn didn't know what to say, they just held the girl tight and let her cry her heart out.

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