"You are the blood of the dragon. Dragons plant no trees. Remember that. Remember who you are, what you were made to be. Remember your words.
Fire and blood."
"With a coat of gold or a Coat of red,
A lion still has claws.
And mine are long and shar...
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Daereon's POV
All the men who had traveled with Lord Rickard Stark to King's Landing all two hundred men. Were killed the worst was Lord Rickard and his eldest born Brandon Stark.
Lord Rickard Stark demanded a trial by battle, and the king granted his request. Rickard dressed for battle, but Aerys declared fire to be the champion of House Targaryen. He had Rickard suspended from the rafters in the throne room, where his pyromancers, Grand Measter Lord Rosaart amongst them, kindled a blaze beneath the Lord of Winterfell. Brandon Stark was brought in as well, and placed in a Tyroshi strangling device, while a longsword was placed just outside his reach. Brandon was allowed to try and free his father, but the more he struggled to reach the sword, the tighter the cord around his neck became. Brandon strangled himself in an attempt to reach the sword and save his father, while Lord Rickard cooked in his armor.
It was a horrific sight to see I wanted to run and help the Stark patriarch and his firstborn, beside me was Cerelle who I had to keep a tight hold on so she doesn't run at the wildfire used by my "Father" he does not deserve to be called that, I looked to see where he was sitting atop the Iron throne and for the first time since I looked up from the horrifying scene in front of me.
I saw that the King who had gone mad with power had my daughter in his arms and she was not moving or crying or making any sound for that matter, the only reason I knew she was alive was that her eyes were wide open and I could see her chest going up and down breathing very fast.
Could she understand what was happening? Did she remember Brandon Stark, one of her Godfathers? Did she remember Rickard Stark who exclaimed ' you, my darling child are just as beautiful as you would have been had you been my own blood'. Could she understand that the man who had a death grip on her, her "Grandfather" was a mad man who just murdered two innocent people all because he could?
I prayed to the gods that she does not remember all of this that she forgets everything she is seeing now, but I could tell the gods had abandoned House Targaryen just as they have abandoned House Stark.
ווווווו×|Time Skip|•×•×•×•×•×•×•×•×•× 282 AC - 283 AC Robert's Rebellion
Daereon's POV
It was a little quiet after the murder of the Stark house patriarch and heir.
But then Aerys demanded that Lord Jon Arryn send him the heads of Lord Robert Baratheon of Storm's End, Lyanna's betrothed, and Eddard Stark, now the Lord of Winterfell after the deaths of his father and older brother. Robert and Eddard were Jon's wards at the Eyrie, however, and Jon instead raised his banners in revolt. This act is seen as the start of the war, which would last "close to a year" but it wasn't that, it was the end of his family that is all I could think about.