A Free Dragon IV

25 1 0

295 AC
Location: Volantis

Amara's POV

We had left Qohor a few days back and we were on our way to Volantis. We were about to reachVolamtis but I suppose we are all taking a break in the woods.

I walked a little further and all I could see was woods and nothing else, and now that I think about it it is really hard to walk as well.

I see a lake nearby and drop down to drink some water I feel like I have been walking for hours and now I can not see anyone else.

"Brendun... Alyssa... Sebby... Allysandra..... Alira where are all of you?" I say out loud

Wait what is wrong with my voice?

I stop to look down at the water and my reflection....... it is me but younger.

What is happening? I am now standing in a place with beautiful walls, suddenly I see a beautiful tall woman with another slightly older woman talking, and I have tears in my eyes

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What is happening? I am now standing in a place with beautiful walls, suddenly I see a beautiful tall woman with another slightly older woman talking, and I have tears in my eyes.

What is happening? I am now standing in a place with beautiful walls, suddenly I see a beautiful tall woman with another slightly older woman talking, and I have tears in my eyes

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"Mo....th....er" "Grand...mother"

 I can barely speak and I am at this point crying my eyes out.

They both started walking away and all I can do is cry and run after them and then I tripped on a tree branch. Where did the tree branch come from?

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