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283 AC - 284 AC
Aftermath of Robert's Rebellion.

In between the Battle of the Trident and the Sack of King's Landing, Queen Rhaella Targaryen, and her son and Aerys's new heir, Prince Viserys Targaryen, had been sent to the island of Dragonstone with the Red Keep's master-at-arms, Ser Willem Darry

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In between the Battle of the Trident and the Sack of King's Landing, Queen Rhaella Targaryen, and her son and Aerys's new heir, Prince Viserys Targaryen, had been sent to the island of Dragonstone with the Red Keep's master-at-arms, Ser Willem Darry.

There, Viserys was crowned by his mother thinking of her granddaughter Amara who deserved it, while on the mainland, Stannis Baratheon began constructing a new royal fleet to lead an assault on Dragonstone.

In 284 AC, nine months after the flight to Dragonstone, Rhaella died giving birth to Princess Daenerys Targaryen during a great storm that destroyed the Targaryen fleet at anchor at the island.
With most of the Targaryen fleet destroyed, and with the Baratheon fleet ready to take Dragonstone, the household of the last Targaryen stronghold was willing to sell the children to the new king, Robert I Baratheon.
Shortly before Stannis sailed to Dragonstone, however, Willem Darry and four loyal men smuggled Viserys, Daenerys, and her wet nurse from the nursery and sailed for the Braavosian coast, and the children subsequently lived in exile in the Free Cities.
While Stannis was successful in leading the assault on Dragonstone, Robert scorned him for allowing Willem and the children to escape.

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283 AC - 284 AC
Baratheon Legacy

Following the conclusion of the rebellion, Robert I Baratheon was successfully installed as the new Lord of the Seven Kingdoms.
Robert named his foster father, Jon Arryn, as his Hand of the King, and he named his middle brother, Stannis, as Lord of Dragonstone.

Robert had no wish to marry following the death of his betrothed, Lyanna Stark, but Jon convinced him otherwise by informing Robert that the realm was in need of an heir.
Jon suggested Lord Tywin Lannister's daughter, Cersei, as the marriage would ensure Tywin's support and because he has the last heir of the thrones eldest born with him as well, should Viserys Targaryen ever attempt to win his throne back.
Robert and Cersei married in 284 AC. Maester Yandel described the marriage as Robert's "first act" as king.

Robert and Cersei Baratheon had three children.
Joffrey Baratheon born 286 AC
Myrcella Baratheon born 290 AC
Tommen Baratheon born 291 AC

King Robert had ordered for Amara and Allysandra 'Lannister ' to remain in King's Landing and Vhaegar was allowed to go back to Casterlyrock with his Grandfather Tywin Lannister.

No one was to call them princess or prince, Robert allowed for the title of Lord and lady to them as they were his queens' nieces and nephew.

Amara and Vhaegar had never lived apart they always stayed by each other and now she was being separated from her twin.

The day her grandfather, uncle, and brother were sailing to Casterlyrock, she threw a big fit and yelled at the new King and begged her grandfather to not take her brother from her, Robert was getting frustrated with the spoilt little girl.

Finally, the girl yelled " I want my father my mother I want my 'unka Rega' " and as if hearing that man's name triggered something inside Robert because the next thing he knew he had taken a hold of the little girls hand tightly in his hand and slapped her hard across the face.

Amara fell to the floor and Vhaegar rushed to her side to help her up, she gave her little brother a sweet smile but got up on her own dusted herself off hugged her brother tightly, and said goodbye to him she went around and did the same to her uncle Tyrion and courtesies her grandfather, then she looked at the King and queen courtesies them and asks for her baby sister back from the new queen her aunt Cersei, the moment her sister was back with her she walked back to her chambers.

Amara now recalled the last words her Uncle Rhaegar had spoken to her the last time she saw him "You are the blood of the dragon. Dragons plant no trees. Remember that. Remember who you are, what you were made to be. Remember your words.
Fire and blood."

And Amara would never forget those words ever again, she would never beg for anything ever again.

She could not keep her twin brother close but she would never let anyone take her little sister Allysandra from her.


Authors note:-

Okay so I realized how weird Amara sounded at the end of this chapter but the idea is when you lose soo much all at once you lose yourself and you do sometimes sound like an angst-filled teenager.

On the plus side this chapter was only like some 700 something words, so yay to that.

Also, I will be dedicating a few episodes to Amara, Vhaegar, and Allysandra growing up before we eventually get to the whole 'King Robert wants Ned Stark to be the hand of the king' part.

So enjoy the story of you like it leave a comment a d if you don't like it please share your constructive criticism, as I am new here and want to become better.
Happy reading ☺️💗☺️

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