The beginning

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I got creative at 3am ANYWAY the background to this is basically you grew up with Steve-o you where always by his side and supporting his decisions along side his lovely sister. Fast forward to the year 2001 when jackass the movie was being shot, you didn't have much involvement you just hang around with the boys and helped them set up for different scenes.

~yawnnn~ you stretch your arms and arch your back as you slowly sit up at 11pam on a Friday "thank fuck its Friday" you drag your body out of bed and head to the kitchen to make yourself breakfast. *ping* your phone loudly alerts a message waking you up and making you jump a little, you swiftly look over at your phone to see that johnny had messaged you.
"hey y/n I know you don't usually come down on Fridays but we are having a BBQ because its so warm..." you become aware of how warm it was, confused on how you didn't notice before "... hope you can come round!" You smile lightly at the thought that they were thinking of you. You eat your cereal and message him agreeing to come round "of course i would love to! Expect me in 2 hours"

You almost instantly scramble upstairs and look for a nice yet weather appropriate outfit "nope, nope, ew no!" You frantically look through my clothes as if it was a meet up with the queen herself "thats not too bad" you held up a black tank top and a pair of blue ripped jeans. You squint left and right, turn it around, lay it on your bed *sigh* "I guess it will have to do."  After a stressful 40 minutes of makeup and hair you were ready and looking cute as fuck.

You arrive at Johnny's house and see all the boys cars parked outside and prepare yourself for whats behind the doors. *click clack click clack* your heels make your arrival known before your anywhere near the door.

"Y/n! How you doing dude!" You were welcomed by Steve-o giving you a bear hug, this would've been nice if he didn't stink . "Sup!" You hear bam shout from the kitchen as Hes cracking open a can of beer, ryan smiles and waves whilst sitting next to bam. "Everyones out back im not sure if they know you are here yet, the BBQ is almost ready" Steve-o said, leading you out to the back of the garden where you see Johnny, Preston, Wee man, Chris, Ehren, Dave, Jeff and Spike. "Y/n!" They all collectively shout smiling at you, you got a bit flustered as youve never saw so many people so exited to see you. You wave at them red faced and can tell Johnny noticed how embarrassed you were "im almost finished the BBQ so decide what you want, okay?" Chris shouts over to you but not looking over, he was too scared to look away incase he burnt the burgers. " they're is a seat next to me if your looking for one" johnny pats the empty seat next to him and you slowly squirm my way thought the boys to get next to him, "so y/n what was you plans for today?" Wee man asks drawing the attention to you once again " i was probably just going to stay in bed and watch movies" He nods in agreement and mutters " fair, fair" Johnny passes you his beer that he drank a little out of " here you have this im not wanting it right now" you hold the bottle and wait for him to laugh or for it to explode but he was dead serious " you promise there isnt piss in here?" The whole place goes silent, even chris turned around to look at you, all you could hear was the faint laughing of bam and ryan from inside and the sizzling of the patties. All toughether they all laughed and you took a deep breath assuming this meant i was being stupid. Eventually johnny catches his breath and stares right at you " you just dont trust me huh" he snickered and lay his head back on the chair he was sitting on, something about that was so attractive, the way he said it, the way he lay his head back and the way his neck is lying out.... you caught yourself staring and im pretty sure Dave did too... oops?

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