Egg bagel

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You wake up at 7am to chris singing in the kitchen, you got up and zombie walked to the kitchen to see him dancing around and frying eggs.

"Morning y/n! How did you sleep?" he glanced over to you but continued dancing " yeah it was good" you yawn and stretch your body "yours?" You walk over to him and lean against his counter "i couldnt even tell you i dont remember waking up" he giggled to himself and you laughed along " so you like eggs?"
" i love eggs" you said enthusiastically

( you secretly hate eggs but seeing him exited? You couldnt kill his mood youd rather sit, eat the eggs and smile)

"Thats great! They will be done in i would say... ten minutes? Go up and look for some clothes" he leans in closer to you and whispers "do a sniff test i cant promise everything up there will be clean" he goofily giggled and continued frying

You walked upstairs and enter his bathroom to see a few condom packets on top of the toilet and dirty underwear in the corner. You grab the closest towel you can see and hop in the shower , it felt so good to be clean again.

Afterwards you enter his room, there was multiple guitars mounted on the wall above his double bed. There was clothes sprawled under his bed and at the door and a few empty crushed cans of beer on his night stand. Yo turn to see his drawers and slowly open the top drawer incase you see something your not supposed to, nope! Just clothes. You grab a baggy misfits band shirt and a pair of camo shorts.

You return to the kitchen and chris grins at you, you see his face turn red a little but choose to ignore it. "Those are my favourite shorts" he points to them exitedly "i can tell why" you smile back at him " well here you go!" Chris pushes a bagel with fried egg, herbs and pepper corns towards an empty seat. You smile and sit down. He watches you like a puppy dog to see your reaction. You take a bite and completely prepare yourself to fake smile.... It was fucking amazing. Your eyes roll to the back of your skull and your body goes limp "holy shit... chris you are such a good cook" you look at him to see him smiling widely looking very proud of himself " thankyou" he giggles and looks like hes got shy.

After breakfast you drive yourself and chris down to the set for the day "so what are you filming today?" You look over at him"im not going to be filming again untill we go to japan next week. You are coming right?"

(The cast have to film almost all of the street pranks in japan because you dont need permission to put someones face in a movie, legally)

You nod and he smiles "ill be filming alot of party boy there, i mean alot" he lies back onto the seat of the car "its not easy having the best dick of the cast" he looks at his nails and fake yawns before looking at you for a reaction "are you saying mines isnt pretty enough?" You say in a manly voice and make an angry face at him, he nudges you softly and giggles to himself. "can i put on the misfits? They get me prepared for the day" chris puts his hand near the stereo and waits for your reply "duh of course" you smile at him and he puts in 'famous monsters' scream came on and he was instantly dancing and singing along, it was weird to see someone enjoy them as much as you, after that saturday night came on and he sang it full passion, it was quite funny.

You arrive at the set and notice some of the boys giving us weird stares because you walked in together but they were all buisy planning the trip to japan. You and chris separated, he went over to jeff and you went and sat with bam and ryan who were playfully wrestling "hope im not interrupting" the boys both looked over and smiled "no not at all" ryan said before shoving bam off him and giving you a hug

(Affection was very common here)

Bam followed up by giving you a hug too "so you and pontius?" Bam said waiting for you to tell them gossip "me and pontius?" You said clueless as if you didnt just spend the night on his couch "you two are fucking it's obvious" ryan broke the silence " no we are not!" You said angrily "cmon y/n your wearing his clothes, you didnt honestly think you would get away with it?" Ryan said cockily "we just have the same clothes, now excuse me i need the toilet" you said in full panic hurrying off to the porta potty.

After you got out steve-o saw you and jogged over to greet you "hey y/n! How are-" he looked at your outfit "your wearing pontius's clothes" his face dropped and he stood back in shock "im not we have the same clothes" you said with obvious panic in your voice, steve-o looked up and you and raised his brow "i have known you since i was 10 dont kid me on now" you roll your eyes "fine! So basically because none of you guys could get him from the skate park i picked him up and took him to his to clean up his wound, i slept on his couch, he slept in his bed and i woke up and had a shower. He let me wear his clothes" you exhaled, it felt good to tell the truth "skate park? Wound? Is he okay?" You came to the realisation that pontius was just trying to spend time with you, sly fucker. You dont even want to know how he got the cut. "Look it doesnt matter i need to go do something right now" you pat steve-os sholder and walk off without letting him say shit.

You sit next to johnny when hes planning japan with jeff and spike, none of them really say anything wich is understandable. You didnt want to chat, just wanted a conversation to not be about chris for once. After awhile jeff and spike walk off to their offices and leave you and johnny "hello y/n" he says trying to be nice but you can tell hes very stressed "johnny we dont even need to talk i know how stressed you are i just need new company" he nodded and rested his head backwards, you shimmy your chair closer and rest your head on his sholder. After awhile of sitting you break the silence "johnny can i ask you something?" You move from his sholder and he moved his head up to look at you and tilts "yes darin?" You stutter a bit, scared incase you sound stupid "did chris contact you last night?" He gets out his phone "let me check" after a minute or so he looks up at you "no? How come?" You shake your head and smile annoyedly "its nothing thank you for checking."

You didnt tell chris you knew he was lying, waiting for him to admit himself. Of course, he never did...

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