Knoxvilles getting pussy for days

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The morning light shon through the curtains of your hotel room as you slowly blinked your eyes open, still in chris's warm arms. You look down to caress his hands when you see dry mud in his fingernails and in between his fingers, you look up at him and he still lay asleep and you couldnt help but chuckle at his face, smudged against the pillow. You checked the clock on the wall '5:12' no point trying to sleep now. You squirmed out of chris's hug and he turned making small tired noises. You crept to the bathroom and got out your face creams tying my hair up, makeup remover, moisturiser and water. you put hair mask in and shoved on your jeans that still lay on the bathroom floor from changing into your dress from yesterday and head into the room to change into a shirt.

You open your suitcase and get out my 'I love dilfs' blue shirt and shove it over you. You check the clock again '5:24' better wake up chris. You crawl on the bed and tap him lightly on his sholder, he swatted your hand away probably thinking it was one of the boys "chris..." you whispered. Nothing. Infact he started snoring louder. Fuck it. You got ontop of his torso and started pushing your hands into his chest screaming like a viking at war, pushing his body down repeatedly until his eyes started to flutter open. He grabbed your wrists and brought them down to his sides causing you to fall onto his chest, ass in the air "just a few more minutes" he said yawning, his eyes still red and crusty "nooooo, im bored" you winced hiding you head in his neck, he quickly brought his arms round you holding you in place, cracking your back slightly "i wish i could wake up like this every morning" his face went red and he looked slightly embarrassed, he let go of you and sat up with me still on his thighs. You stayed in place, sitting on his lap admiring his puffy tired face. You felt something poking your leg and to your horror "op! Morning wood" he laughs and you throw yourself off him laughing. He swung his legs off the bed, hunching his back "what time is it?" He yawned again "uhhh, 5:35?" His face darted over to you "why are we up so early?" you shrugged and held his hand lightly "you need to wash your hands" he looked down at them and squinted his eyes "your fault" he said with a shrug, standing up and heading to the bathroom "what? How!" you said back, laying down on the bed "just cus" you turned the tv on and looked for something entertaining.

Chris returned five minutes later, strutting to the bed "can we atleast lie down?" He crawled onto the bed and sat next to you "no you arent allowed" you said sarcastically parting my legs and patting the bed in between them, signalling him over. When he rested himself between my legs you gave him the remote "watch whatever im not able to find anything" he made random mouth noises as he flicked through the channels, he finally picked one, The Simpsons, Classic chris. You raked your fingers through his hair, it had grown more than you had noticed"i know i need to shave it" he said with a sigh "shave it? Nono dont do that its gorgeous" he laughed a little at the shock in my voice "thankyou prett-"


"WOOOAAHH" a worried shriek sounded from outside the door. Chris stood up fast, heading for the door and you trailed behind him. We opened the door and there he was... darf. "fuck you chris!" He screamed "hey what the fuck did i do?" Chris shouted back, you tapped his sholder knowing if he took him on it wouldnt end well "chris shut up give me a minute" you pushed past chris to see dave or darf lying on a broken vase alone "hey dave" you said as if it was a casual conversation "y/n! Chris is being a fucking dickhead!" He said as if he was telling off his sibling to his mom "no im fucking not!" Chris shouted through his teeth, you gave him a stern look "dont take him on" you whispered "cmon dave lets go to your room" you gave my hand out to him and he took it, falling around and almost pulling you down with him. you carry dave round your sholder as you head to the elevator, you look back to see chris, still in his underwear, looking at you worried.

The elevator ride was silent apart from dave falling around the place making all sorts of weird noises. You got out the elevator and you helped him to his door "i hate chris" he said under his voice "hes so annoying and he has no patience, he makes his penis his personality" you laugh at dave as he stuttered his words, he had calmed down a tell tale sign that the beast was getting tired "hes not that bad dave" you say whilst unlocking his room door for him "not bad? Yeah thats just cause you love him, try being some one he hates" you stayed quite and helped him in the door "night dave" you said walking out not really giving him any thought now "yeah whatever" you hear as you leave

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