The end (maybe) <3

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An hour later it turned to 7pm and jeff messaged you to get your suitcase and head to the lobby. You double checked the room making sure you never left anything and headed to the elevator swallowing the anxiety of leaving something behind. Entering the lobby you see everyone waiting with there suitcases in conversations "sup dude!" Wee man shouted over to you from his seat where he sat with bam and ryan, everyones heads turning to me smiling "right lets go!" Jeff said heading out the door, everyone followed behind him apart from chris, his eyes on you untill he was able to catch up "hey pretty lady" you blushed like a child "hey pontius"

You made your way to the stinky van that you would be sitting in the back with chris and dave. You smiled knowing it was the last time you would be in here. The car ride was noisy, few of the boys drunk and johnnys country music playing from the stereo but chris was oddly quite, his head down and his thumbs wrestling "ive never heard you quite for more than a second, whats got to you?" You held your hand over his and he looked up feeling embarrassed that you noticed "uh nothing just tired" noticing that he didnt want to talk about what got him down you just kissed his cheek and started asking dave how he shits on command.

The crew arrived at the busy airport at 7:30 and headed straight for the shops and toilets. You and chris headed to the small shop to get snacks and whatever you needed "be right back" chris said kissing your forehead and disappearing into the isles, you bought a few bags of chocolate, mountain dew and a cheap energy drink. "Yeah um thanks" you hear chris say from the counter when you were waiting for him outside, he walked out and stuffed a small box in his pocket "and whats that then?" He jumped, not seeing you before "its nothing just uh sleeping pills" you refrain myself from asking questions since he sounded already super stressed.

You both returned to seats where dave, johnny, bam, ryan and spike sat "sup dude! Here got you a burger" bam said as you arrived, taking the burger from his hands. Without a second thought you bit into the burger, my belly rumbling at the-


White flowered powdered your face and coated your tongue "holy shit" chris said next to you and all the boys lost their shit "IT WORKED. IT FUCKING WORKED" johnny shouted jumping like a child, bam and ryan screeching while laughing and dave crying laughing with his head in his hands. you approached johnny "MAN WHAT THE FUCK" you started ticking him laughing as he panted for air "IT WAS BAM IT WAS BAM" bam started getting prepared as your head darted to him "oh you fucker" after five minutes of wrestling on the cold floor with bam security approached "ill deal with it, clean up and grow up" spike said harshly to you all. Chris walked you to the bathrooms

You entered the disabled toilets together and you got to the mirror seeing the state bam had left you in "holy shit" chris laughed and cuddled into your back "you still look hot" he laughed into your neck giving you kisses "hey cmon focus i need to clean up" he just held you closer and kissed your neck more, his chin hair scratching against you leaving small scrapes. "But you look so good" you shook him off "horny bastard let me clean please" he rolled his eyes and sat on the floor next to you "but like whats not fun about airport bathroom sex" he sounded genuinely disappointed "who said it wasnt fun?"


"Hello?" A mans voice sounded through the door "two people shouldnt be in here at the same time?" Chris stood up "start cleaning yourself" he said quitley and opened the door "sorry sir, we are just cleaning my friend. Is there an issue?" the security man looked over his sholder at you cleaning flower off your shirt "right okay" chris closed the door again and continued helping you.

You returned to the group with 20 minutes till the gates open, everyone sitting down waiting whilst jeff, spike and johnny chatted  "hello chris, y/n" jeff said and you and chris sat down a row behind everyone "so what was the sleeping pills for?" you asked him suddenly remembering "it's embarrassing" his head went down and you could see his right hand playing with the box in the pocket he shoved it in "cmon im
Curious" he lifted the small box "fuckin sleeping pills so i dont need to experience the flight" this shocked you since chris had such a brave personality "thats not embarrassing? Take them and ill comfort you yeah?" He smiled genuinely, happy you didnt take the piss out of him "your so great" chris lay his head on your shoulder smiling like a puppy.

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