Wasabi snooters

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You get waken up lying in a thick layer of flower and your breath stinking of wine by steve-o shaking your sholders. Chris was standing at the door way looking understandably worried "hellooooo?" You slowly open your eyes feeling like junk "oh shit my head what the fuck" you grip your head and scrunch your eyes to shield them from the light that felt like it was burning through your skull, your still a little tipsy since it was 7pm (i had only fallen asleep at 4pm) "wake up idiot we are going out for dinner" steve-o winced before leaving telling chris to stay to look after you. Chris protest before realising the state you were in and letting his guilty conscious win.

"Right cmon" chris says to you sternly grabbing under your arms and lifting you up so that you were sitting, you flop onto him resting your chin on his sholder "i missed you" you whispered to him, he just let go and started scooping flower from your bed into his hands and dumping it into the bin "your all heart" you mumble under your breath before heading for the shower.

The shower woke you up alittle, you slowly rinsed the flower from crevices you didnt even know you had, it took you 20 minutes. You got out and brushed your hair applying a hair mask. Shit you forgot to get clothes. You put your ear to the door and hear chris rustling around cleaning up the excess flower, you wrap a towel around you and leave the room.

"Sorry" you said plainly catching chris's attention "shit, do you want me to leave?" He looks away but slowly glances over "nah just stay, its not as if you would try anything anyway" you roll your eyes and look in your suit case to see what you had to wear as chris sits on your bed looking at me thinking of what to say "so hows filming been?" You glance over to him before continuing to look through my clothes "ehh its been okay, we got some good clips i dont remember much though" you can hear hes had a tough day in his tone so you  just nodded "oh wait do you have my dress?" You stood up from your suit case and walk over to him "shit i dont even know ill check later" he looks at you blankly and you just shrug in response "uhh look away for a moment" you say awkwardly as he turns around going on his flip phone. You put on your black big brother shirt with a pair of blue ripped jeans, you see him glanced over occasionally though the reflection of the mirror that was infront of you.

You finish changing and sit next to him "you need to be more desecrate"you whisper to him laughing and see him smiling goofily "i heard what jeff said" you said disappointedly "ugh i fucking hate him" chris raised his voice sitting up straight "it wasnt that bad i dont get why hes being so dramatic" you shrug looking over at him "pfft? Dramatic doesnt even cut it! Hes such a fucking pr-" you put my hand over chris's mouth "calm down" he frowns before letting out a sigh and giving you a hug "im sorry i just really feel comfortable with you" his voice started bubbling "hey chris its okay! Look its only for two weeks plus..." you pull away from him smiling "who the fuck cares we can just meet eachother outside or you can visit my room sometimes"


You both freeze. A familiar look on your faces when you woke up next to each other only a month before

"Hurry up fuckers im hungry!" You both sighed in relief hearing steve-os raspy voice from the door "coming!" Chris left the room and you trailed behind him. You try to discretely take his hand but he swatted it away and walked ahead of you. Ouch.

You get to the lobby after a quite walk to see everyone waiting for yous "there you are!" Johnny runs up to you hugging you "we need to go we have a table for 8:30." He held your hand and led you to his rented car. You sat in the front with johnny and steve-o, danger and chris sat in the back. Johnny stuck on johnny cash and you both heard the three men groan in the back "not the old man music" ehren complains rolling his eyes, johnny just shrugs and turns the music up as you both sang along.

Dark as dungeon came on and you lay your head back against the seat closing my eyes.

You arrive at the restaurant and meet the rest of the boys, it was some sort of sushi restaurant. The group walked in and sat around a round table, you were sat next to johnny and bam, chris were sitting straight across from you "heres the menu doll" johnny handed you the menu and you looked through it, there was chicken sushi, veg sushi and fish sushi. You picked chicken and avocado sushi with a side of fries and a diet coke. We told the waitress our orders and steve-o winked as she walked by him causing her to scoff. The table went silent. "So chris what happened last night? You and y/n went missing" weeman said, everyone turned to him. "Look it was fine, we just had a few drinks and kissed. It didnt mean anything though i was just drunk, really drunk" he laughed this off and everyone just shrugged before going into there own conversations.

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