Dont look back into the sun - the libertines

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You head to the bathroom and take a quick shower, blow dry and curl your hair then get to the outfit.

"The boys wont be wearing anything party-ish right? So dont go too much..." you say to yourself quitley as you inspect your suitcase and huff knowing that it will be a long ten minutes.

You eventually got my outfit. You got a black tight dress that had dark red stars pattered allover, dark red lipstick with black eyeshadow and black doc martens. Your not exactly the thinnest so wearing tight clothing was out of your comfort zone.

You walked out to the hall to go to steve-o's door but see the four tall men stading in the hall with a bottle of beer each.

Ryan was wearing blue jeans with a red shirt, chris was wearing his camo shorts with his misfits shirt and i could tell what he was trying to do, bam was wearing his long H.I.M coat with every peace of jewellery he owns and steve-o was wearing a sleeveless black shirt with blue jeans.

"Hey y/n" they all greeted you "damn you look hot" chris turned to you with his face glowing red, you winked at him trying to keep cool "nice out fit, looking oddly familiar" you nudge him as you all walk to the elevator "you looked better in it though" he looks down at his body and all the boys nodded in agreement to what he said.

You all lean against the sides of the elevator "oh wait shit i forgot" ryan hands you a bottle of beer out of his back pocket "fuckin mary poppins" steve-o said what you all though, how did he fit a whole bottle in his back jeans? You grab the now almost room temperature beer and struggle to get the cap off "give it here" steve-o scoffs jokingly before snatching the beer bottle and biting off the cap, giving you the bottle back "show off" bam rolls his eyes and continues to drink his beer.

You all get out the elevator and head out the door, the boys got the occasional wink and kisses blown at them. You cant lie your friends are hot shit. You rub your arms akwardly as you all walk to the closest club becoming aware of your skin and everything about yourself , chris notices and pulls you in for a side hug "you are stunning, any guy would be glad to even get a glance from you" he winked at you before removing his hand to point at the closest club. This was oddly sweet of him you half expected him to smack your arse and tell you to cheer up.

The group enter the club and see people dancing and making out "this is my kind of party" steve-o said excitedly as he disappeared into the mist of human sweat and body fluids. "We are going to get a drink, see yas!" Ryan yelled over the music walking towards the bar holding bams wrist so he didnt get whisked away into the never ending disco.

"Well then, what do you want to do?" Chris said smirking looking down at you. "Drink. I need drink." You said in your best robot impression, he giggled and somehow carried you over his sholder to the bar where he set you down next to him "hey can i please get ten vodka shots" you shouted over to the bartender, he nodded and proceeded to get out the shot glasses "starting off strong?" "Five each im feeling adventurous" you and chris chuckled, you payed the bar tender before you both practically inhailed the shots, afterwards coughing like heavy smokers. "M'lady would you care to have a dance with me?" chris bowed in front of you with his hand stretched out towards you, you took his hand and curtseyed before getting lifted to the dance floor.

One more time by daft punk came on and he started dancing like he had squirrels in his pants but you found it adorable, everything about him you loved. You love how he looks so mad when he's concentrating, you love that when hes exited he does that stupid smile, ypu love that when he tells his own jokes he laughs at them more than everyone else.
You parrot his dancing and you both laugh harder than ever before.

30 minutes later the shots where kicking in and you could feel yourself slowly getting closer to him.
I feel love by CRW starts playing and you can feel his eyes on you. You slowly walk up to him and it felt like the room went silent, nothing mattered but him in the moment and he was all that you could see. He gently placed his hand on your cheek and his other on the dip of your back, you werent sure what to do so let him continue. Youve never been in a romantic situation before. He softly kissed you for what was probably only a few seconds but it felt like a life time. Youve never felt like this before, it felt like fireworks had just went off in your stomach. The taste of vodka and beer from both of your mouths clashed perfectly and he pulled away still holding you in the same position as before. He smiled down at you and pulled you in for a close hug "in these 26 years of my life ive never been happier" he whispered softly in my ear before grabbing my hand and heading for the door.

"Where are we going?" You shout over the loud music to chris "out! Im feeling adventurous" he winks back before opening the club door.

You both walk out the club and get attacked by fresh air. People where stumbling around the place and a couple of girls had on hen party outfits. "So we could either go to a restaurant or a bar" chris says looking down at his wallet "i think we should go for food" you said looking up at him shrugging "food it is! It will have to be mcdonalds since its 1am no reastraunts will be open" he put his wallet in his pocket and linked arms with you.

After chris hopping in a shop and buying you both cider and beer for after the food you got to got 9 chiken nuggets, chips and a banana milkshake, he got the same but with coke.

"Here" chris slid your card across the table to you then put the food tray down carefully "how much was it?" You covered my face waiting to see how much money youve just wasted "it was just 11$ out my bank" he rolled his eyes jokingly and your hands went down fast "hey you! I told you id pay!" "But you paid for the drink so it was my turn" you huffed at him but couldn't hold back my smile "thankyouu" you hugged into his arm and he kissed your forehead "eat your food before it gets cold" he points to your food and you start dipping my nuggets and chips into your milkshake and drift away enjoying yourself .

Five minutes later "i have been watching you for five minutes what the fuck are you doing" chris slides your milkshake over to himself and looks inside of it to see what you were doing "im using it as a sauce!" You snatch the milkshake back and continue eating it "its nice you just judge too fast" you laugh at his disgusted face "fine let me try" chris takes your milkshake and a looks at his chips thinking it through


You were covered in milkshake, it was on your hair, on your dress and allover your lap. He laughed hysterically and took a picture of you before workers and customers gathered around, you sprinted out there so fast with people staring and gasping as they saw the state you were in.

You eventually stopped in a black alleyway and he was still laughing hysterically "you dick head!" You started laughing and then started making disgusted noises as you realised it was drying into your hair "ohh shit!" Chris saw how fast it was drying "here have this" he took off his misfits shirt so you could cover the mess on your dress "we will go to somewhere with a bathroom and wash it out" he picked you up bridal style and found a local 24 hr supermarket with bathrooms.

You walked into the empty bathroom and washed your hair under the tap, chris sneaks in and sits on the floor against your legs while you washed your hair. "Is it coming out?" He looked up at you looking slightly guilty, his chest looked great in the dull bathroom lighting. You looked down at him and nodded "is there anything i can do to help?" He offered "can you do get me something to wear on my bottom half?" His eyes lightened up hearing that he could do something to help "yes i can! Meet me at the doors afterwards, take your time!" He skipped out and you continued to rinse my hair, then my chest.

Five minutes later you dried your hair under the hand dryer a little and headed out seeing him drinking a can of beer with a pair of leggings in his hand. "Hey!" You ran over to him and he stood up inspecting my hair "i know where we can go follow me" you followed chris to the back of the supermarket and through a field where you could see the stars perfectly.

"Turn around!" You shouted to chris as you took off your dress and put on your leggings.

You slowly got through out drinks and started getting tired as it was 4am, you talked about childhood, friends and family and about each other. You lay next to each other watching the sun slowly rise "thankyou for tonight" you whisper to him, he puts his arm under you and pulls you in so your hugging his chest and kisses your forehead lightly "no worries" he yawns and you both accidentally nod off....

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