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"Wake up everyone" jeff said not shouting for once.

Everyones heads raised and looked around confusingly, i woke up lying on chris's chest in the van like a baby. He put his arms over me and squashed me back in for a hug, i struggled but eventually gave in because i was so tired

"we are at the hotel" chris said to me quietly patting my head like a dog. "I cant breath" i muffled out with my head mushed against his chest, "what?" He said teasingly squishing my head in a little more gently. "She said she cant breath" johnny snapped at him, breaking his arms apart and letting me get up to breathe. Chris glared at him looking pissed off "sorry im just tired" johnny falsely apologised and got out the van. Chris just rolled his eyes and got out too.

Eventually all the boys wakened up and fumbled out the van. "Morning dude" steve-o said to me resting his chin on my head sleepily "morning steve" i said enthusiastically causing him to smile "your always so happy y/n" he said removing his chin from my head and standing next to me "yeah? Well we are all good at something. Me? Being positive. You? Balancing shit on your brick wall chin and dave? Shitting" i said in a mildly sarcastic tone, steve-o started laughing hysterically.
(as i said, he laughs at everything)

We all walked into the hotel and noticed that it wasnt as shitty as it looked from the outside. The receptionist finally handed us our keys after a long wait and the boys going crazy as they started to waken up.

We all entered the lift and i headed to my door. I was the room next to johnny and two rooms away from chris and steve-o. I had my own room with a big double bed and tv, the room came with complimentary sweets and tea. Yummy!

I instantly passed out for what felt like a whole day.


I jumped out my skin and screamed myself awake."coming! Sorry!" I shouted dragging my body out of bed fast

(it probably wasnt that loud but i was so tired that it sounded like a bull was ramming into my door.)

"Hey sleepy head, may i come in?" Johnny said scruffing my hair and smiling down at me "yes in you come!" I smile at him letting him walk by me into my room.

"Nice room!" He jumped onto my bed and grabbed the remote to watch the tv "yeah its cosy" i said rubbing my eyes as i sit next to him on the bed.

"So what have you been up to all day?" Johnny asked me looking over at me as i lay down sleepily next to him "um, sleeping?" I was embarrassed to say this because im usually the most productive one out of us all. "Ill be two seconds" johnny said sitting up after feeling his hair. He headed to the bathroom and i heard him sigh "yup!" I get up and walk to the bathroom and see him standing infront of the mirror parting his hair where i could see flower in his scalp.

I walked in laughing and he smiled at me through the mirror "bam?" He nodds and continued trying to get the flower from his scalp "go to the bed room and continue watching the move while i brush it out" he tilts his head and smiles at me before walking back to the bedroom.

I make him sit on the floor at the end of the bed and i put his head between my legs so i could get to his scalp easily. The tv was infront of him so he wasnt getting bored. "God how many times did you get antiqued?" I moved my fingers through a thick pile of flour that had clumped up, he held up two fingers and i could see his sholders loosen as i felt his scalp. I begin brushing his hair getting my black leggings coverd in powder, his body shuddered occasionally and it seemed to be making him sleepy . Soon enough I managed to shake it all out his scalp "thats me done" i whispered in his ear incase he had fallen asleep, which he had. "*yawnn*" he rested his head back and smilled up at me as his eyes closed again "shit" i whisper to myself, i dont want to wake him up hes had a long day by the sounds of it so i got the remote and watched tv whilst he was lying asleep on my lap.

Steve-o walked into my room whilst johnny was still on my lap, i forgot to lock the door. "Wow ill leave you two at it" he froze before going to walk out "no steve! Wait!" I loudly whisperd to him and he walked back in "sit" he walked over to the bed to see me covered in white powder and johnny asleep on my lap "you never told me you took crack?" Steve-o looked at me offended as if i didnt invite him to the 'party' "idiot its fucking flour, i was brushing it out his hair and he fell asleep!" I continue to let johnny sleep as i look at steve-o for help "cute!" He says loudly before getting up infront of us making johnnys eyes blink open slowly. "Smile!" Me and johnny look forward at steve-o who quickly took a pic of us both covered in flower and looking tired as fuck."dick head" i mumbled.

"Morning steve, mornin y/n" johnny says tapping my outer thigh before dragging himself up. He stretched his arms up revealing his v line under his red shirt, i couldnt help but stare. he saw me looking at winked before turning to leave "oh yeah, thanks for letting me sleep and dealing with my hair" he walked out the room and me and steve-o were still sitting down.

"Steve mind turning the kettle on?" I look over at him pulling a pouty face "yes yes okay since ive been a bit absent as a friend recently. so you and knox? I thought you where doing it with chris? Yk in the airpl-" i snapped at him "we didnt do shit he pushed me in and tried to kiss me" steve-o looked back "wow okay tell me after i make us tea so i can listen properly" i nodded and lay on my back and sighed, maybe johnny didnt text everyone to clear the air.

"Here you go" steve-o passed me a warm cup of tea and i sat it down on the bed stand, steve-o sat next to me and put his tea in the same place before putting his arm around me and asking me what had happened in the airplane, his breath reaked of alcohol but i tried to ignore it. "Well i went to walk out and he pushed me in, at first it was like normal conversation but then he just went in to kiss me" i looked up at steve and he looked puzzled
"so you wouldnt kiss him?"
"I would but-"
"Did he even kiss you?"
"Your not getting my-"
"so? Whats the issue?"
"He embarrassed me infront of everyone . they all think me and chris are fucking, do they think im a slut?" I put my head in my hands and started hyperventilating before i heard steve-o laughing and pulling me into a closer hug "my god y/n you worry too much i honestly havent heard a single person talk about it and ive been with the boys since the flight" he rested his jaw on my sholder "pinky promise?" I hold up my pinky too him and he wraps his pinky around mines. "How about me, you, chris, bam and ryan go to a night club tonight?" I sit up looking at him curiously "cmon youve been asleep all day and the boys are all drinking in my room?" He nudges me whilst giving me a smile

"Fine!" I roll my eyes "we will give you 20 minutes!" steve-o exitedly skips out my room and heads to his to tell the boys...

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