𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒻𝒾𝓋𝑒

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"Now let's take a look at that flower arrangement."

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"Wow this is..." Tighnari paused while putting a hand over his mouth. "Something." You glared at him as you crossed your arms.

"You can just tell me it looks like shit." You said, squinting your eyes at him.

"I would neve-" Before Tighnari could finish his sentence the jingle of the bell rang in air. "Oh, a customer." He said, scooting away. You never really noticed how close he was to you until he backed away.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" You looked over to the voice and your heart dropped.

"Oh! Childe hi." Panic started to set in. He hated when you hung out with guys, including when you were alone together. "I was just making something for one of my friends."

"Who is this?" Childe said, anger already lacing his voice.

"I'm just teaching her how to make a flower arrangement sir. No need to get angry." Tighnari stood in front of you. Childe clearly took note of this.

"I didn't ask you, I asked my girlfriend." He seethed, walking closer to both of you. Tighnari took a step back. You would of thought he was intimidated but you looked down and saw him clenching his fist.

"Sir. If you take one more step I'm going have to ask you to leave. You are not only being rude to me, but also one of my friend as well. So with that, would you like to continue?" Childe stared at Tighnari with anger as he spoke, almost in shock that he said that to him, and honestly, you were too.

Childe let out a sigh. "Fine, but we will talk about this later Y/N." Said your boyfriend as he turned away and walked out the door.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that." Tighnari spoke, putting his hand on his head. "I hate when I have to be stern."

"It's okay. I appreciate you sticking up for me, but I should probably go deal with that." You got up and started to walk away before Tighnari grabbed your arm, softly holding you back.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?" Everything within you was screaming yes, begging for you to let him go with you.

"I'll be fine. I've been through this many times before."

This is probably the last time I'll see you.

"I'll visit when Collei works again, okay?"

"Okay." He said quietly, giving you a small wave before you left.

Thank you for being my friend.

"Bye." You said before exiting the door, the ring of the bell now behind you.

As you walked down the city streets you watched as couples walked into restaurants and bars while laughing with each other. Seeing that reminded you of the old times with Childe, back when you were happy. You sighed and looked away from the couples while walking into your apartment. Childe was already there sitting at the table, some Chinese takeout displayed across the dining room.

He forced a smile as you opened the door."So. How about we talk about what I saw in the flower shop?" Said Childe, tapping his finger on the wood. "I don't like how close that short stack was with you, and I saw the way he looked at you. That blue haired motherfucker was practically eye fucking you Y/N." He said, twirling his noodles with a fork and popping it into his mouth.

"We are just friends Childe." You sighed, not wanting to have this conversation with him. It's been a long day and you just wanted to eat.

"Friends who eye fuck each other?" He said while slamming his hand down on the table. You flinched as the loud bang rang throughout the apartment. Childe scoffed and whispered 'whore' underneath his breath just quiet enough that you didn't hear him.

"Well." You started. "I certainly wasn't the one doing that to him. I only like you Childe." Childe chuckled at your response.

"Really now Y/N? Playing dumb? I saw the way you looked at him." Now you were getting angry. Can you not have male friends? Can you not think another guy is attractive?

No, you only think he is attractive.

"Childe. I understand you are upset but you're misinterpreting the situation. Can we please just have dinner?" You said, picking up a ball of rice with some chopsticks.

"Fine." Childe huffed, eating some crab Rangoon and pouting. He can pout all he wants, but you were not going to allow him to get a rise out of you. "But-"

"Childe! Would you just stop it!" You yelled, slamming down the chopsticks. "We are just friends who do friendly things, and you know what? So what if I was looking at him! You look at other chicks anyways for Pete's sake you fuck other woman! So why do you care?" So much for not getting a rise out of you.

"Fuck you Y/N." Childe said, putting down his fork. "I can't bel-"

"I'm done with this conversation Childe. Get out." You we're done with him. You couldn't do this anymore. Your anger was taking control of you, and eventually, word vomit came out. "Actually Childe, we are done." You said, motioning your hands between the two of you. "I can't do this anymore. All the fighting, lying and cheating. I need whatever is going on between us to be done."

Childe sat there staring at you with an unknown emotion in his eyes. Could it be heartbreak? No, you knew he couldn't be heartbroken over you.

"Is it because of him? The flower boy?" He whispered. "Did you guys..."

"Stop playing this game with me Childe. I don't want to repeat myself." You scoffed, and with that, Childe gathered his things quietly and left your apartment, leaving with a soft goodbye and tears in his eyes.

"Oh my god." You said in shock. "Oh my god!" You cheered. "I have to call Collei!" You ran to your phone and almost dropped it from shaking so much.

"Hello?" She said through the phone. "What's up? Are you okay? You never call me this late."

"I broke up with him!" There was an obnoxious sound and squealing coming from both sides of the phone.

"You what! Oh my god! This calls for a celebration! I'll get the booze and a couple of friends over. It's time to party as a single woman!" Collei cheered, making firework sounds through the phone. Once she finally calmed down she started speaking normally again. "I am so happy for you Y/N. This is going to be great."

"I know. I feel so free now Collei." You said breathlessly. "It doesn't feel real."

"Believe it's real bestie! Me and a couple of friends will be over soon! Oh and one thing before I go."

"What is that?" I hummed, cleaning up my apartment before it became trashed again.

"Promise me you won't get back together with him."

"I promise."

Hope everyone enjoyed!


𝓜𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀𝓼𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 (Tighnari x reader)Where stories live. Discover now