𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒮𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃

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"I love you too."



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Tighnari looked over at you with a wide smile on his face.

"Did you just..." You nodded, then he started giggling. "I do really have to go to work, but now I don't want to." He said, wrapping you in his arms. "Hearing you say that made me so happy Y/N." Tighnari said, leaving soft kisses all over your face. "Alright, I have to go." He said, getting up from your bed, you followed close behind him.

"Have a good day at work." You said as you followed him to your door. After he got his shoes on, he planted a soft kiss on your lips, lingering there for just a moment. You knew he was debating on staying in those few seconds.

"I love you." He said, the biggest smile on his face as he opens the door and closes it, leaving you alone for the day. You could feel yourself blush, thinking about what happened about thirty minutes ago. Everything was starting to feel like a dream. Now that you thought about it, Tighnari was your dream. For once, everything was falling into place, then your cellphone rang.

You picked your cellphone out of your pocket, looking at the screen as it lit up. Your phone showed an unknown caller was calling you. For a moment, you were going to decline the call, but then a thought occurred to you. what if it was the police station calling you back? You quickly accepted the phone call and put the phone up to your ear.

"Hello?" You said, waiting for an answer.

"Hello, is this Y/N L/N?" The man on the other line said.

"This is she, who is speaking?" You could feel your heart pounding in your chest.

"Ah! Yes. This is Heizou from the police department down town. I just had a couple of questions to ask you about the incident. Do you have a couple minutes to spare Miss L/N?" You walked over to your couch and seated yourself down, maybe it helped you calm your nerves a little bit.

"Of course." You said, your knee bouncing up and down.

"So. Do you remember any characteristics about the man that you said might of drugged you?" Heziou said over the phone. You definitely remembered the man. His ruby red eyes staring into yours. It sent shivers down your spine, and not the good ones.

"He had white hair, no." You said, thinking again. "It was almost white, it was like a like blue color, and his eyes." Tears welled up in your eyes. "His eyes were like a red color, and he was wearing a white shirt, under it looked like he had some sort of black harness on it." You could hear Heizou scribbling on his notebook. Hopefully writing down the right information, you thought.

"Alright, thank you Y/N. I'm sorry to ask of his, but can you tell me the effects of the drug and tell me how this might've happened? Just so I can talk to my people and see what we can find." You said yes, and continued on talking.

"That's the weird thing. I don't know how. I watched my drink like a hawk that night. Then all of a sudden I felt like I was drunk, then the man lead me up the stairs. I wanted to say no but my body wasn't listening to me. Then he touched me and I felt like I was melting, it was such a weird sensation. I was lucky enough that I somehow got a hold of my thoughts and got out of there." Again, you heard the scribbling of a pencil on the paper.

"Thank you again. I know that was hard to relive and I appreciate you telling me about this. From the sounds of it, it could of been some sort of aphrodisiac. Don't take my word for it though." You nodded like you expected him to see you. "Miss L/N?"

"Oh yes, that could maybe be it." You said, now fiddling with the end of your shirt. "I appreciate you calling and giving me some sort of answer, it means a lot to me."

"Of course Y/N, I'm glad I could be some sort of help. Is there anything else I should be aware of?" You thought for a moment.

"I remember him saying that 'I shouldn't be standing'. It sounded like this was something that he has done before."

Heizou was silent for a moment, then he spoke. "There was some woman reporting that they couldn't stand either, thank you for confirming that. We will defiantly make it our priority to get this case solved and get this man behind bars." You could feel yourself being a little relieved, somehow happy that you weren't the only one to experience this. It was a weird sensation.

"Oh, can I give you my boyfriends number? Just in case I don't answer the phone, you can talk to him. He was the one to come with me to the police station." Heziou agreed and you gave him Tighnari's phone number then said your goodbyes.

You sat there staring at your phone for a while, and then you went to your messages and texted Tighnari. You texted him and let him know one of the detectives called you and asked you a few questions. He answered almost immediately with a text asking if you were alright. You said yes and he sent a text back saying okay, a picture was attached to the message.

You clicked on the picture and it opened with a picture of Tighnari with a small marigold bouquet next to him, there was a smell text attached to it as well.

'Do you want it?' You laughed at his text and shot him a response.

'Of course. It reminds me of when we first met and you gave me that singular marigold lol.'

'Good, because I was going to bring it anyways. See you soon my love.'

Afterwards, you called Amber and let her know what happened. She flipped out and get terrible that she wasn't there to help you. Amber vowed to never let that happen to you again.

You sighed happily, everything was going to plan. Then your phone dinged, indicating that someone texted you once again. Thinking that it was Tighnari, you opened up your phone happily, then you saw Childes name pop up. It read:

Hey! :) Do you want to go get some coffee?

°•.  ✿  .•°

I get bored at my job and just decide to update lol

Hope everyone enjoyed!

𝓜𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀𝓼𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 (Tighnari x reader)Where stories live. Discover now