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Month 1 (part 1)

Minseok pulled up in front of a small gym. He had asked you out for coffee and somehow that turned into helping him run his errands all day. This was going to be the last stop before he was finally going to take you home. 

Minseok wasn't a bad guy, he seemed to have a lot of energy and in general was very friendly. He was relatively attractive too with high cheekbones and a wide grin. He would be even more attractive if he didn't do things that rubbed you the wrong way every five minutes.

"Let's go honey!" His car door slammed shut and he took off without you. You sighed as you unbuckled your seatbelt and followed him into the gym. You realized right away that it wasn't a regular gym, it was a boxing gym. 

The right side of the gym was lined with hanging punching bags and the left was occupied by various exercise equipment. Men stopped and stared at you. You realized with a jolt, and a quick look around to be sure, that you were the only woman here. Were women allowed? You scurried after Minseok to the main focus of the room, a raised boxing ring. 

Time seemed to still as you looked at the pair in the boxing ring. Neither of them were wearing shirts. One man, gray blond, a few inches shorter than the other, was lean but well built. He had spandex shorts under a shorter looser fit pair, his thighs were thick and flexed as he spared with his partner.

His partner had jet black hair and an intense look on his beautiful face. The speed of his moves was mesmerizing, the muscles of his arm rippled underneath a stunning sleeve tattoo. Like his partner, he was also well built and you were a little embarrassed by how turned on you were.

"Yah, Jimin, where's my book?" You cringed at Minseok loud voice and accusatory tone. The two men in the ring stopped and turned to you, their chests heaving and gleaming with sweat. The shorter man with the gray blond hair rolled his eyes and started taking off his gloves. He ducked under the ropes and jumped off the platform to the ground right in front of you.

Up close, his beauty was disarming, his smooth features and dark eyes. When he looked at you, his face completely transformed as he smiled, going from sexy pissed off demon to fluffy angel in the blink of an eye. You realized you had been staring when he winked at you and you shifted your gaze somewhere else.

"It's in the locker room, follow me," Jimin glanced at you one more time before leading Minseok to the men's locker room.

"I'll be right back Y/N," Minseok threw over his shoulder.

"Y/N..." Your name came out slow, drawn out like it was being savored. Your attention snapped back to the other man in the ring, the man who had been sparring with Jimin, the man who had just tasted out your name. He was leaning against the ropes staring at you.

"That's a pretty name." A little cliche, but you still felt flattered. His large dewy eyes looked you up and down. His dark hair clung to each other in sweaty clumps and he flicked his head back to try and get the hair off his face and out of the way.

"What's your name?" You asked. His smile was cute, almost innocent even.

"Jungkook. I'd shake hands but," He waved his gloved hands, smiling wider, his smile scrunching up his nose. Damn he was cute. "Are you coming to the party tonight?"

"I'm going to a party, Minseok invited me to one," You said slowly, unsurely. You really didn't know Minseok very well and you were honestly nervous about going to a party with him, so you had been thinking of turning him down.

"It's got to be the same one, Minseok's invited. Not sure who invited him but..." Jungkook shrugged, looking in the direction of the locker room, a slight scowl forming on his face.

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