Marshmallow Kisses

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So current JK is really influencing this story... I can't help it! He's fucking gorgeous right now! 2023 JK owns my soul!


Month 5 pt 1

Kookie 💜🐰💜: I was thinking we should get out of town this weekend. Let's go camping!

Doll 😍: Babe! You read my mind! Take me away!

Kookie 💜🐰💜: I'll take care of everything. Just be ready to leave right after work ok doll? You alright if Bam comes too?

Doll 😍: Of course bring Bam! Are you sure you don't want me to bring anything? 

Doll 😍:Snacks! I'll bring snacks!

Kookie 💜🐰💜: Don't bring anything but your sexy ass! I told you I'm taking care of everything!

Doll 😍: Tsk! Fine. My sexy ass is all yours

Kookie 💜🐰💜: Fuck... All mine for all weekend? You're in serious trouble doll!

That Friday night, you barely had enough time to change after work before Jungkook was calling. You answered the call and tucked it in between your shoulder and cheek as you zipped up your bag and grabbed random things from your room.

"Hey baby! I'm downstairs. I would come up but I don't want to leave Bam in the car alone." You heard him take the phone away from his ear to presumably scold Bam and you chuckled to yourself.

"No worries Kookie! I'm just grabbing a few things and I'll be down!" Your stomach growled, "Umm Kookie? I need to eat."

"Already have you covered! See you soon, love!" He hung up the phone and you felt like doing a little dance. This was going to be your very first weekend trip away with your boyfriend. Why was that so incredibly exciting and a little... You paused. It was possible that you had expectations for this weekend and you kind of hoped Jungkook did too.

You grabbed the last few things you needed, shoved them in various pockets and left your apartment, locking it behind you. When you got downstairs you looked around for your boyfriend's blue sports car, but didn't see it.

"Y/N!" You turned around to see Jungkook getting out of a black SUV hooked up to a white and gray camping trailer. You were stunned, where had this come from?

Jungkook was wearing a proud, slightly mischievous smile as he walked towards you. His hands were knuckle deep in a pair of black sweats. His baggy shirt hiding his gorgeous tattoo sleeve all the way down to his elbow, also hiding his stunning physique. Sometimes you found it such a shame that he hid behind these baggie shirts, but did you really want other girls to know what was under them? Not at all.

"Let me take your bag," He gave you a sweet peck and then took your duffle bag from your grip, "Go ahead and get in." You kept your smaller bag with you to keep at your seat. Despite Jungkook's reassurance, you had brought snacks just in case he didn't bring the right ones. Road trips required good snacks after all.

As soon as you opened the door, an overly excited Bam was pushing himself from the backseat up onto the center console separating the driver's seat and the passenger's seat. His eager tail vibrating through his whole body, his tongue already out and anxious to make contact with any part of you. You immediately began to coo.

"Hello sweetheart! Did you miss me?" You slipped into the passenger's seat and let Bam lick your face as you scratched behind his ears.

"Bam, in the back!" Jungkook said firmly as he opened the door on his side. He gently pushed against the dog's chest.

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