Good Fit

494 26 2

Month 11

You got out of your shower and wrapped yourself up in a robe. You snickered when you heard Jungkook singing in the other room. It was adorable, your apartment was constantly full of his beautiful voice nowadays. It was something that you didn't know you needed until you had it. You got dressed and went to go see what he was up to.

It was unsurprising to find him working out, but working out while singing? That was new!

"What are you doing?" You giggled. His exercise equipment was slowing moving in and taking over your living room, but you didn't mind it as long as he cleaned up after.

"Come," He panted, waving for you to join him, "Come work out with me!"

"No," You replied with a laugh, "I just got out of the shower and we have to leave in a half hour, I have to get ready." Jungkook shook his head dismissively. His hair was half pulled up in a messy bun and bounced as he shook his head.

"Come here," He beckoned again. He was still panting, his face shining with sweat. He lifted up the front of his shirt and wiped his face with it.

"No," You said bluntly, "Now go take your own shower! We don't want to be late." He whined as you left the room. Such a big baby over nothing.

"I don't want to go out tonight," He complained as he came into the room, shedding his clothes and throwing them into the hamper, your shared hamper. He wasn't fully moved in yet, but he might as well be. The thought made you giddy. You loved having him and Bam in your space.

"I can always go without you," You teased, "I'll have Jimin and Yoongi pick me up."

"Haha!" He mocked as he entered the bathroom and started the shower. He never closed the door when he showered which you found interesting. His jealousy and protectiveness had cooled down a considerable amount around his friends but you still teased him about it. You were just finishing up your makeup when Jungkook came into the room, drying himself off.

"Shower thought," He announced, he had those a lot, "I was thinking we should invest in more lingerie."

"Oooo, mesh thongs for you?" He scoffed.

"Lingerie for you pabo!" He threw clothes from the closet to the bed. Baggy white t-shirt, black joggers, purple underwear, and a pair of socks.

"If you want to buy it, be my guest."

"If I buy it, I get to pick out what I want," He insisted as he began to dress. You snorted. Affection was welling in your chest, swelling your lungs and making it hard to breathe. He protested when you pinched his cheek.

"Well, as long as it's not anything weird!" You let go of his cheek and he rubbed it with a pouty glare that made you laugh, "I'm going to take Bam out while you're finishing up."

Bam pranced as you retrieved his leash and hooked it to his collar. To your everlasting relief, Bam was incredibly well behaved. Jungkook was still his master, but he obeyed you to the letter. You led him out of the apartment and to the elevator with ease. Once outside, you led him to a grassy area that the two of you walked around for a couple minutes.

Jungkook was rubbing off on you, when Bam inevitably concluded his business, you began to praise him.

"Good job puppy! Bam you're such a good boy!" You encouraged as you scooped up his poop. What had you become?

Jungkook was ready by the time you brought Bam back in and the two of you left together.

Despite his protests, Jungkook was having a good time. He was completely in his element in a karaoke studio, jumping around like a happy child as he sang, loose and free. Especially when he was with this particular group of guys. He was currently singing with Namjoon. What Namjoon lacked in vocal talent, he made up for with abundant enthusiasm! Jin and Jimin were in fits of giggles as they watched.

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