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"That can't be true!" You choked down the laugh that was threatening to come out. The busy restaurant bustled around you, but you were focused on the group at your table, reveling in their company. When Jungkook had invited you to have dinner with Jimin, Tae, and Yoongi, you jumped at the chance. You all had decided on family style, putting all the dishes in the center and sharing everything together.

"He was a weird child!" Taehyung sighed as if he pitied the gorgeous man sitting next to you. Jungkook had his arm thrown over the back of your chair as he slouched in his own, his tongue pressing into his cheek as he glared at his friend. Fuck, that was hot as hell.

"You're one to talk, Tae!" Yoongi shoved another bite in his mouth and hummed in satisfaction. "You did some really weird shit too! Believe it or not Y/N, he's tame compared to what he was like in his teens."

"Listen, it's not irrational! Microwaves can explode!" Jungkook interrupted, bringing the conversation back to himself, apparently not ready to let Taehyung win. Taehyung had just been telling you how terrified Jungkook was of microwaves and how he used to avoid them. You decided to humor him.

"You're so right, babe!" You slapped his thigh and he glared at you, kicking off a fit of giggles around the table. "Now tell me more about the weird stuff Tae would do!" Jimin perked up with a mischievous grin, as if he had been waiting his whole life for this invitation.

Over the last few months, you seemed to have melded perfectly into Jungkook's friend group, which suited you fine. It made you realize that the people you thought were your friends were just placeholders for when you were lonely. Jungkook's relationship with his friends had been eye opening and would have made you green with envy if they hadn't accepted you so completely.

They were genuine and always looking out for each other. They teased each other endlessly, but they were really careful to build each other up too. Their chemistry was unlike any group of people you had interacted with before.

"So where's Hobi tonight?" You asked when there was a lull in the conversation. Yoongi rolled his eyes and Jimin smirked knowingly.

"Ah, Hobi's got a new girl," Tae said by way of explanation, but you sensed there was more to it.

"He could have brought her," You shrugged before shoving your face with another bite. The boys all exchanged glances. "What am I missing?" You said through a mouth full of food.

"Y/N, swallow your food!" Jimin scolded you with a chuckle and you did so with a bashful smile.

"Here's the thing Y/N," Tae began, but he's interrupted by Yoongi.

"We don't normally hang out with the girlfriends," Yoongi clarified. You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion. Did he mean Hoseok's girlfriends or...

"The thing is, some of us are extremely picky," Jimin shot a glance at Yoongi who scoffed. Jimin rolled his eyes and then turned his attention back to you, "He's not really the only one. We're all really picky about who we bring into the inner circle. It's not about whether we approve of the girl or not, we just don't mix the two."

"But..." You began slowly, confused and slightly offended for some reason, "We hang out..." You trailed off. Did Jungkook force his friends to hang out with you when they didn't want to? Were they just being nice to you?

"You, my dear, are different," Yoongi pointed at you with his chopsticks, "We like you. If Jungkook wasn't such a possessive prick, we'd have you around a lot more." You looked quickly at Jungkook who was tonguing his cheek again.

"He's afraid one of us will steal you away so he won't let us hang out with you without him," Jimin's teasing was directed at Jungkook who scoffed and sat up in his chair. The arm that was on the back of your chair found its way to your thigh.

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