Happy Anniversary

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"There's not enough room!" You complained as you looked around at all the boxes still left to unpack.

"There's plenty of room! And if we find it's too cramped, your lease is up in like 4 months? We can look for a bigger place then."

"I think Bam would be happier in a bigger place," You stated matter of factly and Jungkook chuckled.

"You're always using Bam as an excuse nowadays!" It was true, but he didn't seem to really mind. You think to him, you worrying about his dog was incredibly domestic and fulfilling, it was to you too. You loved coming home to not only Jungkook, but Bam too.

After you moved him in, it took you the better part of the day getting everything unpacked and situated. By the end you were exhausted and you laid down on the living room floor to rest.

"You know that we met one year ago today?" Jungkook leaned back against the sofa and grinned at you.

"You don't know the exact date," You snorted, calling his bluff. He chuckled and ran his hair through his hair. You loved his long hair, you loved playing with it, styling it when he let you.

"Ok, I don't know the exact date, but we should figure that out so we have an anniversary to celebrate!"

"Why go through the effort? Aren't wedding anniversaries more important?" You shrugged. He clicked his tongue at you and then jumped on top of you.

He laid on top of you, keeping most of his weight off you with his elbows. Even after all these months, having him on you like this still made your heart race and you loved the sweet scramble of thoughts and emotions as you tried to be nonchalant on the outside.

"Hmmm, we haven't celebrated a single anniversary since we started dating," He squinted at you, teasing displeasure making his lips pinch together, "You're the type to forget anniversaries aren't you? Are you going to forget our wedding anniversary in the future? I'm going to go all out and you'll bring me a last minute gift from the grocery store?"

"I think if I brought you banana milk and gave you a lap dance, you would forget all about it!" You teased.

"Yah!" He started tickling your ribs in retaliation and you squirmed underneath him as the two of you giggled together. So sappy and so perfect.

"I'll put it in my phone so I'll never forget!" He shook his head in disapproval.

"Where's your phone?" He sat up and looked around for it, "I'm putting a reminder in your phone right now." He unlocked your phone and began typing with intense concentration.

"What kind of reminder?" You sat up and stretched. Maybe you should start working out with Jungkook, you were sore from just moving him in and it sadly wasn't like he had a lot of stuff to justify being so sore.

He held your phone in front of your face with a look of defiance as if he expected you to fight him. You took your phone and looked at the recurring appointment he put on for today. It said "Day I met my bunny."

"How are you even real?" It was a question that you asked each other all the time. It was meant as a joke, but held really diamonds of truth in it. Your decision to go to a party with some stupid guy changed your life forever. If there was anything in the world that should be celebrated, it was that day.

"So what are we doing for our anniversary?" You smirked, "I'm going to have to run to the grocery store to get you some banana milk." Jungkook's chuckle was dark and full of what you hoped were smutty intentions.

"I was thinking we could go do that ropes course again, make it a tradition." That was not what you wanted. You punched his shoulder and whined in protest, "That a no? Indoor skydiving it is! Better yet, actual skydiving! I was saving that for our five year anniversary but I can come up with something different."

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