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"I can't believe you're making me do this." You snorted at his comment as you gathered his hair into a little curly ponytail on top of his head.

"This is what you get for taking me indoor skydiving," You defended, playing with his hair at the top of his ponytail happily.

"Oh come on, you had fun!" You loved when he talked in pout like this. Your sexy, dominating boxer was now a pouty innocent bunny.

"Just like you are having fun right now!" You clapped your hands, "Ok! Do you want the sparkly pink face mask or the metallic purple?" You held up the two packages in front of him and waited for him to choose. He plucked the purple one, like you knew he would. He had a not so secret love for the color purple.

"Alright, give me a hair tie." He held out his tattooed hand expectantly.

"What for?" You asked in confusion, pulling one off your wrist and handing it to him. He clicked his tongue good naturedly and began to gather your hair back, twisting it and securing it with the hair tie you gave him.

"There!" He announced proudly and kissed the tip of your nose. You looked away and tried to hide your shy smile. "Now what baby doll?"

"Now we put them on." You took his purple mask from his hands and tore off the top. You squeezed the metallic purple goo onto your fingers and then looked up at your boyfriend, "You ready bunny?"

His eyes bulged at the nickname and he wordlessly nodded at you. With a self satisfied smirk, you began to apply it to his face. Jungkook's skin was beautifully bronzed and you almost hated covering it up. He watched you silently for a minute.

"I like doing the things you like to do, I just want to make that clear," He said and the reassurance made your heart sing. The two of you tended to be different in a lot of ways. Jungkook was active and sought out new experiences and new talents aggressively, whereas you liked routine and revisiting the tried and tested pleasures. You often worried you weren't keeping up or that you were boring him.

"Thanks for doing this with me Kookie," You replied sincerely. You knew his complaints earlier had been jests, something he felt compelled to say because he was a man, but it felt good to hear him say he liked doing things like this with you and that he wanted to participate, even if it was something as silly as putting on a purple face mask.

You hadn't expected that touching his face like this would feel so intimate. As his doe eyes studied your face you felt vulnerable and exposed, but in a way that made you feel excited. Dating him over the last few months had been eye opening, exhilarating and challenging.

He challenged your preconceived notions of how relationships should work. Jungkook wanted to talk through things and it made you uncomfortable, but made your relationship stronger. It was like he was intent on building something with you. The way he was looking to the future was definitely something you could get used to. 

You pulled away from his face and surveyed your handiwork. "All done?" He asked. Once you were satisfied you gave an enthusiastic nod. He grabbed the sparkly pink mask from your lap, "Your turn now?"

"Let me go rinse my hands off." You cleaned your hands and then settled back onto the couch sitting knee to knee with Jungkook. Your boyfriend was in an oversized gray t-shirt, black shorts, tattoos up his arm, little ponytail on top of his head and face slathered in metallic purple. You laughed happily.

"What?" His eyes flicked up to you.

"You're so damn sexy right now!" You exclaimed, slapping the exposed skin of his calves right in front of you as he sat criss-cross on the couch. His laugh was breathy with a hint of incredulity and pride at the same time.

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