Ice Fetish

567 24 9

Month 10

In preparation for their move to your place, Jungkook was bringing over Bam a few nights a week to get him acclimated. It seemed to be going well so far. Your place was smaller so you and Jungkook made sure to take him for a long walk every night. You had even found a dog park not too far away. Your lease was up in 6 months and you were seriously considering looking for a bigger place. Your place just wasn't big enough for a full grown ass man and his dog.

"I didn't do well in math, I practically failed!" He had a look of fierce concentration on his face as he stared at his cards. You snorted at the excuse. Tonight Jungkook had the bright idea to play strip poker and it was totally backfiring in his face.

"If you're trying to tell me that you can't count to 21, we have a really big problem!" He had lost his socks and pants already, you had only lost one sock. Winner received oral, so you weren't going easy on him for anything! He was about to be down one more item of clothing.

"Aish!" Jungkook's exclamation was part curse, part giggle as he lost again. He pulled his shirt off and threw it on the ground behind him. All he had on were his underwear now. You smirked at him, all that smooth muscle was begging for your attention. It gave you an idea.

"Alright Kookie, I'll make you a deal!" He squinted at you suspiciously, "I'll let you put on one sock if you dance for me right now."

He scoffed and prodded his cheek with his tongue as he assessed you. You raised an eyebrow at him expectantly.

"Fine!" He relented, getting to his feet. You scrambled to get off the floor and onto the couch for a better view. This boy was obsessed with Calvin Klein underwear. Today they were black, comfortably tight and cupping his endowed cock perfectly. You were starting to get wet just looking at him.

"I get to pick the song!" You scrolled through your phone to find the best song to commemorate the occasion, "You ready bunny?" You teased him, licking your lips in anticipation. He nodded.

"How long do I have to dance?"

"One minute 30 seconds!" You announced happily. You could tell by the dark look on his face that he considered this whole situation to be an abuse of your power and you were probably going to pay for it later. But for now, you were going to milk every second.

A/N: I was listening to Blank Effect by Park Ji Hoon while writing this, but really imagine whatever song you'd like! 😅😈

"Time starts now!" The song began and he took a minute to assess the rhythm of the song. He slowly swayed side to side, his fierce gaze made you gulp. When the beat picked up he swung his hips forward in a powerful body roll that made you moan. His muscles contracted and released, going from taught and defined, to smoothed perfection.

His rhythm moved from his hips, up his body, stirring his abs, shoulders and head into a sexy swaying motion, hitting the beat perfectly. His arms lifted in the air, still moving to the beat and he threw his head back. His taught biceps and pronounced adam's apple had you moaning and rubbing your thighs together for relief.

You watched in awe as his own hands trailed down his torso, touching what you desperately wanted to touch yourself. Then one hand threaded through his long ebony hair while the second cupped his hardening length as he thrust forcefully forward. Your next moan was loud and long.

Jungkook laughed and leaned over you. You forced yourself to stay strong, stay in control when all you wanted to do was lay back on the couch and spread your legs for him.

"I think it's been over a minute and a half." His tongue flicked over the hoop piercing on his smirking lips.

"Two socks if you keep going," You gasped. He leaned in closer, ghosting his nose and lips against yours before straightening and resuming his dance with gusto. You could practically feel his cock inside you with every swirl and thrust of his luscious hips. Your knuckles were white clutching your shorts.

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