Night Doll

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Month 1 (Part 2)

Just outside of the crowd dancing was a smaller crowd. A man was dancing energetically on the coffee table as people cheered him on. You noticed in confusion that he was barefoot.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook shouted at him. The man on the table looked around at his name being called and hopped off the table. His smile was wide and adorable, there was really no other word for it.

"And who might this little treat be?" His voice was low, but the light in his exuberant face made you think that his comment was a lot more innocent than his words suggested.

"Y/N," You held out your hand and he shook it with a low chuckle.

"Nice to meet you Y/N, do you want to dance?" A laugh burst out of you unexpectedly.

"Like climb up on the table with you?" You looked at Jungkook who rolled his eyes dramatically.

"Come on!" Taehyung started dragging you to the table, but Jungkook pulled you back.

"Back off Tae," Jungkook snapped, taking your shoulders and turning you in a different direction. You waved goodbye to Taehyung and he winked at you before he jumped back onto the table.

Jungkook led you to the kitchen. There were a lot less people here. One man with messy blond hair was sitting on the counter nursing a solo cup. He was smiling at the other pair. One man was enthusiastically telling a story to another man who was dying of laughter.

The man telling the story was tall with dark hair and wide shoulders. He was talking fast and gesticulating wildly. The man next to him had a loud, energizing laugh. He clung to the counter to keep himself upright.

"I was seriously ready to kill him, Hobi! It was supposed to be a date, a cute little bike ride, no it took us five hours! My ass was dying!"

Jungkook snorted as he refilled his drink. He gestured to you, silently asking if you would like one too but you shook your head. He leaned in close to your ear.

"That's Jin, Hoseok, and Yoongi," Jungkook pointed to each of them.

"It wasn't that bad!" A new man walked into the room. He was tall and poised, but also squishy and adorable when he cast a dimpled smile around the group.

"It was that bad! It was supposed to be a date!" Jin protested.

"And that's Namjoon," Jungkook was pressed close to you by now and it made you feel tingly. You couldn't help but compare the way Minseok made you feel and the way Jungkook was making you feel. He made you giddy and off balanced in the best way possible.

Namjoon walked up to Jin and pulled him closer by the waist.

"You had fun and you know it!" Then he leaned in closer to Jin's ear "Now let's get you home before you're too drunk to fuck." Jin continued to protest for the sake of protesting as Namjoon led him towards the door, waving their goodbyes.

"So they're dating?" You asked Jungkook and he nodded. He was watching them go with a fond smile.

"Matching bikes and everything!" Hoseok wiggled his eyebrows. His hair was dark and almost long enough to brush his shoulders, "I'm Hoseok by the way, but you can call me Hobi." You shook the man's hand, his radiant heart shaped smile contagious, making you smile too.

"It's a good thing that Jin's such a great guy because he's got Namjoon wrapped around his finger. Joon would do anything for him!" Yoongi spoke up, kicking the cabinets with his feet as he drained his cup, "Pour me another one Kook."

Instead of getting off the counter, he held his cup out to Jungkook who took it and started refilling it.

"Word to the wise, always agree with Jin!" Hobi winked bringing the topic back to the couple that left, "Joon is a teddy bear and Jin is a tornado, it's in your best interest not to cross him."

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