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Kookie 💜🐰💜: It's time I took you out on a proper date!

You must have read that text a million times since it came in. It was making your heart race. Good thing you were tucked into your own kitchen sipping your tea instead of at a café or something because you were literally bouncing in your seat.

Since the day you met Jungkook, things have been slowly progressing. You have met up for coffee or dinner a few times a week since you met and you have started going to his gym once a week to watch him and Jimin train. This last time he even convinced you to come into the ring with him and he kicked your ass! But in the most gentle way possible. You smile thinking about the way he knelt over you after he swept your legs out from under you. You were flat on your back, trying to recover.

"That hurt!" You pouted.

"You'll be fine. Where does it hurt?"

"Everywhere!" You protested. It didn't really hurt that bad at all, but you weren't going to let him know that. A smirk curled onto his lips.

"Mmm, I could always kiss it better!"

You shook out of the memory when another message from Jungkook came through.

Kookie 💜🐰💜: How about in an hour?

Doll 😍: Sure! What should I wear?

Kookie 💜🐰💜: Those leggings you wore to the gym the other day and something that doesn't cover your cute ass

Doll 😍: You're bold

Kookie 💜🐰💜: Only through text. I would lose my nerve if I had to say it to your face 😅

Doll 😍: Tsk! I'll see you in an hour

This was something you should have expected, it was Jungkook after all, but you weren't quite prepared.

"Are you scared Y/N?" Jungkook smirked. Is he the type that gives in to puppy eyes? Do you even have a good puppy eye game? One way to find out. You turned to him, sticking out your bottom lip in a pout while your eyes plead for mercy.

"It's not going to be that bad!" He pinched your bottom lip between his index finger and thumb before grabbing your hand and dragging you in. You lightly touched the place he pinched you and repressed your giggle.

"Two day passes please." You snap back to the present. You were so stunned that he touched your lip, that you forgot you were supposed to be saving your life and convincing him to do something else. 

Jungkook's hand was still wrapped around yours and you were standing at the reception desk of an indoor ropes course. In theory, it looked really fun, but you were terrified of heights and more terrified of making a fool of yourself in front of Jungkook.

The cashier told you to have fun and you wanted to tell her to rot in hell, but maybe that was a little extreme. Jungkook led you off to the side. He pulled up your wrist to put a plastic wristband on you.

"Can't I just watch?" You pleaded. He pecked your wrist and then let it go. You swallowed hard.

"You're going to have to get used to doing this kind of stuff if we're going to date honey!" You snapped your head up to look at him. You were dating? Jungkook lifted his wrist and raised his eyebrows expectantly. With trembling fingers you took his plastic wristband and put it on for him.

When you were done you dropped his wrist and he stepped closer to you.

"How about we make a deal?" He had got a mischievous glint in his dark eyes that made you nervous. "How about for every course that you complete, I'll give you a kiss?" Your knees almost gave out. "Fair trade, right?"

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