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"Wait!" You stopped him and then gave him an apologetic grin, "I have to pee!"

Jungkook laughed long and hard at that, the sound adding to the night in a way that felt like breaking glass at a party. You hushed him with a frown and he continued to smirk as he walked you to the bathroom.

You could hear him singing to Bam through the thin walls and the tiny open window of the small bathroom, you were so happy it was a flush toilet! In your camping experience, they weren't often that way. 

His voice was beautiful, just like the rest of him and you loved it when he sang to you. When you came out of the bathroom, his face lit up and your heart squeezed tight. You skipped to him, wrapping your arms around him and then three of you made your way back to the trailer.

Once everyone was in and Bam was settled in his dog bed, it was like no time had passed between your time on the lounger and now. Only this time you were laying down with Jungkook hovering over you and twinkling fairy lights were your witness instead of burning stars.

Chocolate and marshmallows had never tasted this good. Your tongue searched his mouth, collecting all traces of his taste and storing it in your taste buds. Your breaths were short, your nose dragging in his scent piece by piece. The rich smell of smoke, the musky scent of his body wash, and a scent that was uniquely him laced in between the two.

You gasped when his hands inched up your shirt, caressing your skin and leaving tingling trails in their wake. He kissed your jaw, then licked at a spot on your neck before lightly biting it. You groaned and arched into his body. His tongue swirled around the spot and then kissed down the column of your neck. He nipped at your collarbone just as his hands slid over the cups of your bra.

Dating Jungkook made you realize you had locked a piece of yourself away, the lovestruck girl in you that believed in affection and pleasure. You had been with selfish men in the past that hardened you and convinced you that physical pleasure was never as good as you hoped.

As he touched you, kissed and bit you, he was prying that part of you open, exposing the beauty nestled inside. Your whole body was humming in anticipation as he played you perfectly.

"Can I take this off?" Jungkook whispered against your ear as he tugged at your shirt. You nodded and he helped you sit up as he slid it up and off. He didn't stop there, as he continued to kiss any area his lips could reach, he unclasped your bra and let the straps trail down your arms as he guided them down. He laid you down as he stayed on his knees, they artist in him was painting you, each bold stroke of his eyes made you feel vulnerable, but appreciated.

The fairy lights back lit his face and made it hard to read his expression and you felt the urge to curl in on yourself. Just as your arms were covering your breasts, he took both of your wrists and pinned them by your head.

"You're so beautiful, baby doll," His voice was husky with lust and it was like gasoline to a flickering flame, your whole body lit up, flaring with heat and desire. He leaned down, his tongue flicking past his lip ring to swirl around one of your nipples.

"Oh Kookie!" You breathed. With a grunt he sucked your nipple between his lips and his teeth delicately applied pressure. The sound that came out of you was a cross between a whimper and a moan. You wanted to touch him so you pushed your wrists against the palms holding you down, but he didn't budge, he just switched to your other breast and gave it similar attention.

"Jungkook, please!" It came out like a prayer, sacred and whispered as an urgent plea. The cruel god above you finally let go of your wrists as he sat up, grabbed the collar of his hoodie and lifted it up and off.

You have seen Jungkook shirtless plenty of times. His athletic build, the creamy caramel color of his skin, his tattoos, to you he was built perfectly. His veiny hands rested on your hips right above the waistband of your sweats.

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