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Month 7

You were licking your fingers clean of vanilla frosting when your doorbell rang. Tugging everything into place, you hurried to the door. You ran a hand through your hair once more before you opened the door.

Jungkook's smile when you opened the door made your knees weak. If you had enemies, Jungkook would be the weakness they used against you. So many times you couldn't believe this was real, that he preferred you above anyone else. This god in a baggy t-shirt and gray sweats. His tattooed hand in his pocket and the other working it's way through his shoulder length hair with the loose stylized curls that you loved so much.

"Hey doll," He practically purred as he stepped inside and you made room for him to take his shoes off. He wrapped his arms around you and gave you an affectionate peck. He licked his lips as you moved away and then his hand shot out to grab yours.

"Mmm, come back here!" He dragged you back to his mouth and immediately moved his tongue into your mouth, humming into your kiss as he searched your tongue. "Did you make me something sweet?" He smacked his lips suggestively and you lightly pushed him away.

"I made cupcakes," You said shyly. He followed you into your little kitchen. "Dinner's almost ready."

"Smells good!" He settled in one of the bar stools at the counter. You worked on finishing the last few things for dinner.

"What's this?" You heard shuffling papers behind you. When you turned around he was looking at the tattoo designs you were working on with Yoongi. You hadn't meant to leave those out and you were itching to take them away. To be honest, Jungkook's

"I'm working with Yoongi on my tattoo design. He's designing part and I'm designing part." You began to place the food on the counter.

"You drew these?" You shrugged. His look was intense, but you couldn't tell what he was feeling, you didn't understand his tone or look.

"You've said that you liked to draw, but you never said you were this good." His brows were furrowed in a quizzically neutral expression.

"They're not that good, it's just something I used to do for fun." You gently took the drawings from him and tucked them in a drawer. It was your silverware drawer, but right now all you cared about was getting them out of sight.

"Why don't you draw anymore? Those were really good! Do you have more stuff I can see?" Jungkook's eyes lit up eagerly.

"I don't do it anymore, it's just a waste of time." You turned your back to him and started putting dishes in the sink to keep yourself distracted from the questions that he was asking.

"Why is it a waste of time? Why don't you want to share them with me? You're so talented–"

"I don't have talent, can we please just eat and stop talking about it?" He was silent and you took a deep breath to steady yourself.

"What do want to do in life, Y/N?" His jaw was ticking.

"I want to ride the wave, coast under the radar, just like everyone else, Jungkook."

"Do you have any goals, any dreams? You just want to live? How do you not know where you're going? You have no plan, no goal in mind?"

"Does it matter?" You asked in frustration, throwing your hands up, "We can't all be you Jungkook."

"What does that mean?" He asked angrily.

"We can't all be as ridiculously ambitious as you, normal people aren't like that! Why is it such a crime if someone isn't as driven as you?" You asked defensively, unconsciously your voice was rising.

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