It's Healthy To Lose

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Due to a late night at work, you weren't able to make it to Jungkook's match, so you let Yoongi and Jimin know that you would be waiting in the bar for them after the matches. You were patiently sipping your ginger ale as you waited when your phone started to buzz and you saw that it was Jimin.

"Hey Jimin, I'm already here," You answered, looking out the window to see if maybe they were on their way.

"Y/N, Jungkook lost his match," Jimin's tone was subdued and automatically you were panicking that he got hurt.

"What happened? Is he alright?" You were already heading out the door and to the crosswalk.

"He's fine, just minor stuff, but..."

"But what Jimin?" It came out angrier than you intended. You were impatiently waiting for the light to change so you could cross the street.

"It was a big match and he's upset, he won't let us look at his cuts or anything. We were hoping you could come talk some sense into him?" The light turned and you hurried across the street.

"I'll be there in five minutes."

"We'll meet you up at the front and take you to the changing rooms."

Five minutes later you were hurrying up the stairs and through the front doors. The crowd was still emptying from the matches held today, but it didn't take you long to find Jimin and Yoongi. Yoongi looked peeved, but Jimin lit up when he saw you.

"Y/N, my love! I'm so glad you're here!" He grabbed your hand and started leading you down a hallway and then down some stairs.

"So what did you mean he won't let you look at his cuts?" You asked.

"He's acting like a little bitch," Yoongi said grumpily and Jimin hit his shoulder.

"That's a little harsh!" Jimin pulled open a door and ushered you through.

"Harsh but accurate." You were now in what seemed like a basement hallway. Bland fluorescent lights lit up the bare, white walls. It was functional and practical, rather than inviting. Other athletes were passing by, some fully dressed, some still in their ring outfits. Some ignored you and some winked like you were in on some little joke.

"So, Yoongi's going to make sure there's no one but Jungkook in there while I explain." Jimin pulled you to the side of the hallway next to a metal door. It was mostly white, but the paint was chipping in multiple places where rough hands grabbed at it frequently. Yoongi rolled his eyes as he pulled open the door and went inside.

"So Y/N, Jungkook doesn't like to lose, I think you already know that, but he gets especially... pissy when he loses a big match like this," Jimin's grin was pained and sympathetic, "I would just let him sit and work it out of his system but there's a cut on his forehead that makes me nervous."

You swallowed and nodded apprehensively. Pissy? Pissy could mean all sorts of things. Sure he got upset when he lost, but at the core he was always good natured about it. The door opened next to you and Yoongi gave the all clear by lazily raising a thumb.

"Alright, Y/N! Fighting!" Jimin raised his clenched fists in a sign of encouragement. You repeated the action half heartedly and went through the door Yoongi was still holding open.

It was darker in the locker room. You didn't immediately see him, so you ventured down the next row of lockers to your left.

"Jungkook?" As you rounded a bank of lockers he came into view. His dark silhouette was hunched, head in his hands as he slumped on the long bench running down the middle of two banks of lockers. You couldn't see his face, but his body language stirred up feelings in your chest. Regret that he lost, sadness that he was hurting, apprehension because you didn't know what to expect.

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