Advice huh?

479 25 4

Month 8

"It's too bad you still have to stay out of the water!" Jin said with a pout. You smiled and fingered the second skin bandage that was still covering your thigh. It was transparent and you could see your fresh tattoo underneath.

"Poor planning on my part, but I'm still having fun!" Jimin's parents were out of town for the week and had granted permission for everyone to stay at their home for. You had no idea that Jimin's family was so well off. There were enough guest bedrooms for you all to share, an entertainment room, and a pool/hot tub combo in the backyard.

Everyone but you, Jin, Yoongi and Bam were in the pool. The three of you were under the shade of umbrellas on lounges while Bam lay on the cement in between your lounge and Jin's. Hoseok and Taehyung both brought their girlfriends and you thought they were nice girls.

"Y/N, how come you don't come over to our wine nights more?" Jin asked, giving you a look that was half pout, half glare.

"That would be Jungkook's fault," Yoongi answered with a smirk. He was in a long sleeve swim shirt with a towel over his legs. You weren't sure what excuse to give your boyfriend, it was his fault 100%, but you didn't want to tell his friends that he didn't trust them not to keep their hands to themselves.

"What does he think I'm going to do?" Jin huffed, "And does he think I would let anyone else do anything? I'm going to give that little shit a piece of my mind!"

As if he was being summoned, Jungkook climbed out of the pool and made his way dripping wet to you. Bam got excitedly to his feet and was practically dancing around Jungkook as he picked up a towel at the end of your lounge chair and dried himself off. You had to stop yourself from licking your lips at the sight. Then he shook his hair and splattered you with water and you weren't so turned on anymore.

"Why would you do that?" Jin shouted, glaring at Jungkook. Yoongi was also glaring at him. Jungkook cooed at Bam, giving him the love he missed out on while Jungkook was swimming.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Yoongi complained. Jungkook ignored them and leaned over your bare legs to kiss the plastic covering your tattoo. To say he liked your tattoo would be an understatement. Bam followed suit, giving your thigh a few playfully licks before licking Jungkook right in the face.

"Yay! Come on Bam!" Jungkook pulled away with a grimace, but Bam followed, licking the air just in front of his face as the dog tried to continue showing his love.

"Serves you right. You better let that heal completely before you do anything to it!" Yoongi chided, nodding to your tattoo. What was he going to do to it? You wondered vaguely. Jungkook coaxed Bam into laying down and he stayed laid out against your legs, you loved the skin to skin contact. When he smiled widely at you, you couldn't help but brush his wet hair off his forehead affectionately.

"Jungkook," Jin said sternly, "Why are you keeping Y/N away from our wine nights?" Jungkook groaned and sat up. You almost started laughing when Jungkook gave the same exact look to Jin as Jin gave you just a few minutes ago, half pout and half glare. They weren't biologically brothers, but often they seemed close enough.

"She doesn't need to be corrupted by your drunk ass, that's why!"

"Excuse me!" Jin squawked, he looked like he was ready to throw hands.

"You all get crazy when you're drunk, you, Taehyung, and Jimin, Hoseok does too until he gets too drunk."

"You can't hide her away forever! You're planning on marrying her right? Isn't that what you were telling me last night?" Jin quipped angrily.

"Wh-what? I –" Jungkook stuttered looking at you with wide eyes before he smacked Jin's shoulder, "We haven't talked about that yet!" Jungkook hissed. You weren't sure what kind of look you had on your face, it felt like your brain had stopped working.

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