Part 10

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"What's gotten into you?" Carol Ann asked for what felt like the hundredth time that night. "You're mad, but I can't help you if I don't know why you're mad."

"Who says, I need your help?" Lindsey snapped at her, rolling another joint. "Don't you have somewhere to be? A party to go to?"

"Well, I can't just leave you alone in this state." Carol Ann sighed, climbing onto the bed, she moved closer to him and put her hands on her shoulders, wanting to ease some of the tension. 

Lindsey shrugged her hands off immediately. "Don't fucking touch me."

"My God! You're such an ass!" She yelled out, getting away from him. "It has something to do with Stevie, doesn't it? Whatever is bothering you." She added as if it wasn't already obvious what she meant by that.

"None of your business." Lindsey leaned back a little and stuck his hand in his pocket for his lighter.

"Why do you even want me around anymore?" Carol Ann came to stand in front of him, arms crossed over her chest. "You only pay me any attention when you want to make her jealous. The rest of the time, you treat me like shit. When was the last time you said something nice to me? Told me, you loved me? Made love to me?"

"Christ..." Lindsey exhaled heavily, leaning forward in his seat, head in his hands. "If you don't like it then leave. What's keeping you? Besides my money, which supports your coke addiction of course."

"Oh, fuck you!" Carol Ann's hand itched to slap him across his face, but when he was really angry, which she believed he was, she was no match to him. "You think you're so much better, huh? The first thing you do in the morning is smoke a joint and wash it down with a bottle of Jack! You're the last person to lecture me about-"

"Just shut up." Lindsey sighed, his eyes closed, his head pounding. "Seriously, pack your fucking bags and get the hell out of my sight!"

"Y-you don't mean that." Carol Ann stuttered, shaking her head. She knelt in front of him and cupped his face to make him look at her, but Lindsey pulled back.

"I do mean it. I don't want you here. I don't need you here." He emphasized, standing up on his feet, he went over to her opened suitcase and dragged it across the floor closer to the door. "Take your shit and fuck off!"

"Lindsey, I-" She gulped. "W-where am I supposed to go?" 

"I don't care." He shrugged. "I want you out of here. Tomorrow morning, I'll have a plane ticket for you ready."


Carol Ann was speechless. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out as she stared at Lindsey, scared and confused. She didn't move, so he grabbed her by the arm and pushed her out the door himself. 

Everyone already thinks I'm an asshole, Lindsey thought to himself as he lay down on the bed. No, it wasn't right of him to do what he'd just done, but he was tired. Tired of everything and everyone. Maybe Stevie had a point after all. Maybe he too could make it as a solo artist and be done with this band. 

Some time later, Lindsey was woken up by a knock on the door. He didn't realize he'd fallen asleep and it took him a minute to get up. He frowned, when he pulled the door open. His annoyance evident on his face. 

"What do you want?" Lindsey asked, holding onto the door handle, seriously considering slamming it shut again.

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