Chapter 14

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That night I went to Addison's room and collapsed on her bed. "Zed and I had a fight," I tell her, "what? Zarper fighting, I don't believe it. What are you gonna do about it?" "Nothing, he's being silly. I just have to wait for him to come to his senses" "Harp, tell me what happened" she asked and so I did "oh damn, he really said that" "yeah, I mean he does have a point, but he was acting all jealous for no reason. He knows how much I like him right?" "Of course he does, and he likes you a lot too, like a lot a lot," she says and I smile. She always knows how to make me feel better. After our little twin chat, Addison gets her chemistry book out to study but we hear scraping from outside "what was that?" I question and get up to go see "do you think it's Zed?" she asks following. I hope it's Zed. We open the door but no one is there, as we go to close the door I notice scratch marks on the door. We turn around and there stands the wolf pack "come with us" the leader says "what's so important?" "you two are".

"Where are we going?" Addison asks as we walk through the woods, "wolf secret if we told you we'd have to kill you. Too much? I knew it, welcome. But not too welcome" Wynter says and growls but then she suddenly starts coughing and Addison and I are quickly at her side making sure she's okay. "My necklace is losing its charge," she tells us and I look to Wyatt for answers "every day, more and more of our pack becomes sick because their moonstones lose power. All our elders are too weak to travel which leaves-" "which leaves taking care of the pack to us, to me" Willa says, cutting him off. "Follow us, please," Wyatt asks and leads us away. "The wolf den!" Wynter announces as we enter the cave. "It's okay to be impressed" she continues as we look in awe "this is incredible oh my god" "wow", as we look around Wyatt tried teaching us the wolf language but we failed miserably. "Enough, this is not why we brought them here," Willa says from the back "why are we here?" I ask him and he grabs some kind of hologram rock showing us a white-haired werewolf "I believe one of you will lead us to the moonstone, that one of you is the great alpha, that you're a werewolf". Addison looks excited while I look at him confused. "what?!?" we say at the same time.

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