Chapter 8 : Interviewing for the part-time job

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"What? You're going to start doing part time job?" Arin shrieked as soon I told her about the Idea,almost telling everyone in the corridor with her loud voice.

"Can you keep it low?" I elbowed her as I walked faster "Everyone is looking at us"

Trailing beside me,She finally looked around her and shut her mouth.

"I have an interview today at a cafe" I told her as we stepped inside the classroom "So I need you to come with me after school"

"Sure. I will come" She nodded and continued,worriedly "But why so suddenly?"

"I need money to continue my judo class and i decided not to ask for that from my parents anymore" I said,sitting on my seat and she plopped beside me.

"And what you're gonna tell them?"

"That I quit my judo lessons"

"What if they caught you?"

"We'll see about that later" I replied after some thoughts "I don't want to be a spoil brat who doesn't even care about their parents wellbeing and tries to do whatever she want"

"But you're doing what you want though?" Arin corrected me and I shrugged.

"As long as they don't know about it,I'm not doing anything,right?" I asked and earned a chuckle from Arin.

"That is also true"

After hearing my mom and dad's conversation,I tried to came up with a solution. And upon pondering about this and that,I realised that I could always start doing part time job. And if I joined in a cafe,far away from my neighborhood then there will be no way that my parents would be able to fine out about my little secret.

Our class ended without any extra drama today. As according to our deal,Jungkook's fangirls didn't bothered me anymore. And also,I didn't saw jungkook which only make me happy and lively throughout the day.

As the last bell rang,We shouldered our bag and finally take a cab to our destination.

We reached the location in a few minutes. Upon climbing off the cab,We couldn't help but to get impressed seeing the cafe infront of us.

The cafe looked very authentic and trusted. It was build near a college so it was often visited by college students which promised the good income of the cafe.

"Such a classy looking cafe" Arin spoke beside me and I couldn't help but to nod my head in agreement.

"It is indeed" I replied as we walked inside the cafe.

"Annyeonghaseyo,Welcome to hanbado cafe,what will you like to order?" The lady dressed in a blue dress behind the counter smiled professionally and I smiled back,a little bit nervous.

"Umm... actually I have an interview here today" I said "I saw the advertisement in a newspaper and I called yesterday asking about the possible vacancy for a spot"

"Ah! You're here for an interview?" She asked and gave me a smile "You must be lisa manoban?"

"N-ne!!" I nodded quickly and she gave me a form to fill up.

"Please fill up this form before the interview " She said handing me the form "We will call you within a minute. For now,You can sit there and fill up some information that we needed"

"Sure, sure!" I nodded in agreement and we grabbed a table to fill up whatever was needed in the form.

However Arin couldn't stop looking around and whispering to me from the opposite seat.

"I think I should get a boyfriend and come here" She said and I chuckled without taking off my eyes from the form I was filling.

"You don't actually need a boyfriend to come here" I replied and Arin explained her idea furthermore.

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