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"You can't just ignore this, Margo!" I shout as she walks faster to get to the subway entrance.

She turns around and scowls at me, not stopping. "Watch me!"

We'd been arguing about this for thirty minutes before she got sick of listening and tried to run out. Now I'm practically chasing her on the busy streets of the city. There are so many people around us yet none of them seem to care that we're yelling.

That's one thing I love about the city. No one gives a shit about anyone else's business.

I finally catch up to her as she's about to take the steps down into the subway. I grab her hand and force her to turn and face me. "Margo,"

She looks at me, her eyes wide and her hair a mess around her perfect face.

God, she's fucking beautiful.

"Please, just talk to me. We don't have to tell anyone, but at least talk to me," I plead.

She sighs, her pretty sea green eyes softening. "Fine," she huffs, taking my hand and dragging me to a small alley.

"Are you going to kill me?" I ask.

Margo turns, scowling at me and shoving my shoulder, hard. "Fuck you. If I had it my way I'd be on the subway home,"

I raise my hands. "Okay, I'm sorry. Why here though?"

"Because I just dramatically stormed out of the library and I'm scared X is following us," she whisper-shouts, clearly frustrated.

I rub her arms up and down soothingly and urge her to look at me. "Just breathe. It's okay, but sitting around in an alley isn't safe from your stalker ex, so let's just get on the train,"

She nods at my suggestion and we hold hands again, rushing to the subway. I look at every face I can as we make our way through the station and onto the train. I hardly know what he looks like but I'd recognize a psychotic fuck if I saw one. Maybe.

Margo squeeze my hand once we find open seats in the back of the car. "You can relax, I don't think he's here,"

I look down. I know she can protect herself, but the urge to be protective over her never leaves. Whether I'm with her or not, I want to protect her. Be there for her.

"I didn't notice him last time," I mumble.

"We," she says. I give her a weird look and she rolls her eyes. "we didn't notice him. Stop putting all the blame on yourself. He's my crazy ex boyfriend, my problem."

"Hey, he threatened me too. I happen to like my tongue," I joke and she bites her lip to stop herself from laughing. I pull her lip out with my thumb and stare into her eyes like it's the last time I will. "I'm not letting you deal with this alone."

She blinks. I know she doesn't believe me, and that's okay. I'll give her the time and proof that she needs.

She sighs, tucking loose hair behind her ear. "What am I supposed to do? The cops don't believe me,"

"Then we have to give them proof. If he's threatening and stalking you he's bound to fuck up," the idea sounds worse after saying it out loud.

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