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TW abuse

We all walk to the dining table to eat. It's quiet. But not peaceful it's rather tense.

My father has a way of dealing with things and he takes it out on this family. It's usually me he abuses because I'm old enough to take it he says. My brother got a lot of hits when he was younger. But we never ever let him touch Eloise. I can't let him do that.

"Have you two been training?" Father asks pointing between me and Alex. "Yes we have" Alex answers. We both need to train a lot on our skills. I'm not so good with anything really but Alex likes using the gun. He's everything I'm not. He's stronger, taller and more skilled.

We have to train since we are in the Mafia. "I don't want you guys to be weak" he says only looking at me. Father has never seen me as the strong one. That makes him mad, everything I do for the most part makes him annoyed.

We finish eating. "Amelia lets go upstairs and talk" father says to me and Alex has a worried look on his face. I move after him and we get into his office. He takes a seat behind his desk and I stand in front of him.

"What do you want to talk about father?" I ask nervously.

"Well you have grown and have just turned 18. I think it would be the perfect time for you to marry."

It's like I feel my heart stop. I don't know what to say. "Marry who?" I ask as I try to stay calm.
"The Perez family is looking for a bride to their son. He is a Mafia leader and will be your husband." Father says it like it's so easy.

"No, you can't make me marry someone I've never met" I beg.

"They will give us a great amount of money" father says and I interrupt him. "You sold your daughter for money!" I raise my voice. He doesn't answer only looks at me like I'm the wrong one.

"I've just met someone his name is Jayden I can marry him but please don't make me marry a Perez" I start to cry letting the tears roll down my face.

He walks over to me and slaps my face. "You fucking slut"

"You are going to marry him end of discussion" he says and I take all my strength to say
"NO!" I know what will happen. I know the cost of me telling him the opposite of what he wants. But I can't marry him. That family is dangerous. If I get abused at home they will do it 10 times worse.

"How can you be so selfish, I'm your daughter" I keep on crying.
Seconds later he pushes me to the floor and hits me a few times. I try to block his hits but fail. This is what he does for a living, killing people. So I don't stand a chance against him.
As I try to get up I hear him undo his belt. He takes it off.
It hurts so much. "Lay fucking down or I will hurt you more" he says and I go still. As I lay flat on the floor his belt meets my skin creating a loud noise.

I lay there sobbing. Every part of my body hurting. My back covered in belt marks. With each hit hurting even more. "Don't ever tell me no again" he shouts then leaves the room.

The pain felt like a lightning had struck my body from head to toe. It hurt more this time then usual. Not only because of the hits but the fact that I have to marry the worst mafia of them all.

Alex comes in after awhile. When he spots me on the floor he gets down and try's to help me up.

"I'm so sorry" he says blaming himself. I try not to make it look as bad as it is. Alex lifts me by the arm and I stand on my feet. "I'm fine" I let out. Even though I feel like I cannot breathe.

He nods once as he walks me to my room. "Let's get you in bed"
I wish I could tell him now what father told me but I don't have enough strength for that. I slowly get in bed as Alex tucks me in.

When he leaves I cry as quiet as I can. Not wanting anyone to hear me. In just a few days I will be married to a guy I don't know.

I hate my life.

I felt so bad writing this. Poor Amelia but it will be good for the story just keep reading.

This was also a very short chapter sorry about that!

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