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We've bought a lot of snacks for tonight. Alex got us some alcohol. A lot actually. Mia is setting the mood by lighting some candles since it's dark outside.

The doorbell rings and I run to open it.

What the hell.

There are a lot more people here than it should be. I did not invite this many people. I try to be polite and sweet to everyone. "Welcome" I say then close the door as almost 40 people is in the house.

I get up to Mia and Alex. "Guys what the fuck" I say crossing my arms.

"I told you it had to be a small party" I say mad at them both because now I will look like a liar to Ezra. "I'm sorry A but I couldn't say no" Mia says embarrassed of herself. "It's fine just tell Ezra it was our fault" Alex says.

Should I call him? That would only make him more worried. And I don't want him to worry when he has more important things to do. I decide to tell him after the party. God I feel so shitty.

Music is so loud and people has already started dancing and drinking.
Adan shows up. "Oh my god Adan" I say hugging him. "What is happening here Amelia" he says looking around. "I'm so sorry I didn't know there would be this many people here how do I tell Ezra" I say stressed. "Don't worry we'll deal with him later" Adan says trying to calm me down.

"Alright you can't just end the party when it just started so just go through this day and talk to Ezra later" he says and I nod.

"Okey" I say rubbing my forehead. "Here let's have a drink" Adan says because he knows it will get my mind off of this.


I drink and drink. "Adan come let me introduce you to my close ones." I say dragging him by the arm.

"This is Alex he's my older brother and this is Mia my best friend" I say and they all shake hands. "Nice to meet your Adan" Mia says being as drunk as me. Mia trips but Alex catches her and pulls her back up on her feet. "Oh strong" Mia says grabbing my brothers arm muscles.

Ehm what is going on. I don't think about it a lot just because I'm too drunk.

I pretty much spend the whole night with Adan. He makes a lot of phone calls but lets me keep talking. He's a friend. A good friend even. "Alright should we end this party?" Adan asks looking at Mia dancing on the table. Omg she is so drunk. "Adan can you please get her off the table" I say when she is about to throw her top off. Adan does as I say and throws her on his shoulder. Walking her to my bedroom.

I walk behind them with a glass of water in my hand. I give the water to Mia who is now sitting on the bed having a hard time keeping her eyes open.

"I had so much fun tonight" she mumbles. I laugh. "I can tell" I say as she sips her water. "I'll go down and end the party" Adan says and I give him a nod. I stopped drinking 3 hours ago so I'm not as drunk as Mia. She will have the worst hungover tomorrow.

"Alright get some sleep" I say as I lay beside her. I hope Adan and Alex make the guests leave because I will fall asleep any minute now.


It's been two weeks already. But Ezra hasn't been answering any of my calls or text. What if something happened to him. No I can't think like that. Maybe he just had a lot of work to do. That's probably it.

I try to convince myself that nothing is happening and that he will be back home today. He's just a little late. I try calling him but no one answers.

Maybe I am being paranoid so I go off to train. To get my mind on other things. At the training hall I bump into Adan. I wave awkwardly. And he knows something's up just by my face. "What was that" he says. "What's up" he then asks after a long pause. I let out a big breath. "I don't know if I want to talk right now" I say.

"Come with me" Adan then says walking to the back of the house. I follow him as we go outside and climb on a ladder. He brings me to the roof of this building. Where I can see the beautiful sunset and the birds flying in the sky.

"Why did you bring me here" I ask taking a seat on the edge letting my feet swing back and forth. He sits beside me. "To talk, I've noticed that you've been down lately, so let it out" he says.

"It's beautiful up here" I try to change the subject. "Mhm it is" he answers both of us watching the sun.

After a long minute I decide maybe it will be easier to talk. So I do. "Do you know where he is?" I mumble. "Not a clue" Adan says. "He usually doesn't tell anyone where he is" he adds.

"I've tried calling him so many times this week, he hasn't answered any of my calls" I say. "I'm used to that by now but trust me he does it to protect us" Adan says. "How" I say.

"If I'm guessing he's off on a dangerous mission so answering the phone would put you in danger, you know they have tracking devices now days" he says. I nod.

"But why didn't he show up today. He is never this late to anything" I ask scared something has happened. Adan doesn't answer that because he doesn't know either. "What if..." I get cut off. "If you stick to what ifs you'll just dig yourself into a deep hole and be stuck there" he says not wanting me to think anything bad has happened.

It feels good to let these things out. And to know he really listens to me trying to make me feel better.

"You got to stop overthinking" he says rubbing my hair making it frizzy. We both laugh as I try to fix my now messed up hair.

"Thank you" I say meaning it deeply.

"I didn't do anything" he says.

"You listened" I say smiling at him.

"Always" he answers before standing up and walking me back to the training hall.

Who do we like more Adan or Mia?
I want Amelia to be closer friends with one of them but I can't pick! Help me decide <3

Happy new years to everyone!!!

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