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The ambulances has arrived. They take each body and put them in the cars. Amelia is crying still in the living room. She's on the floor not able to get up. How the fuck could I let this happen. I should've been there protecting her family. Fuck.

I don't want to cry. I don't do that. But seeing Amelia so broken hurts my heart. I move over to her and I get down to her level, to where she is crying.

I don't know what to do. When my mother died I had no one holding me, how do you comfort someone so broken. Whatever I say won't make her happy. So how will I fix her now.

I reach for her back rubbing it because that's what others do. I've seen it in movies. I want her to know that she has me. She isn't alone. But how will she believe that when she saw her family dead on the couch. She grabs my shirt and pulls her face towards my chest. Crying so, so freaking much.

"I...I need to know they are fine" she lets out sobbing. God how do I tell her that they are not fine. I thinks she knows that but won't accept what she just saw. Fucking hell.

"Common let's get to the hospital" I say as I help her up. She cries the whole ride. When we get to the hospital we walk fast to the emergency rooms and wait outside like the doctors told us to. She almost has no tears left to cry. She just stares at the white wall in front of her. No emotions left.

"Ezra" she says quietly. "Yes love?" I say.

"I don't think I can take this, I can't live if... if they are" she pauses closing her eyes trying to escape reality.

"I know...I know you are hurting but please stay with me, don't give up hope love" I say trying anything to make it better. But how can I when she is this broken.

Her mom was shot in the head. It's impossible she survived. Eloise, fuck she's too small to be surviving a shot like that. Her brother I hope will wake up from this. He was shot in the stomach but lost a lot of blood. Please let someone live. How else will Amelia go on with life. I'm afraid I won't be enough for her to stay here.

After about two hours the doctor finally comes out of the emergency room. Fuck this is going to break her. I wonder where her psycho father is. It wouldn't shock me if he was the one who shot them.

"Are they fine, tell me they are fine" Amelia says standing up. The doctor shakes his head.

"I'm sorry we lost two of them" he says. I can see her world break in just a second. How her knees won't hold her body up. I put my arm around her to steady her.

"Oh god no please" she begs. Fuck I hate seeing her like this. "You said two, who survived?" I ask because amelia won't stop crying.

"Alexander Gonzales is alive but badly hurt, but don't worry he will be good again" the doctor says. Amelia looks at me with hope in her eyes. "He's alive you heard that" she mumbles looking so deep into me.

"I did love" I say wiping a tear from her face.

Sorry for a short chapther but i haven't been able to write all week so this is all I could do!

But aren't we happy someone is alive? I am.

I have great things coming...

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