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The house is far away from where I live. The rest of the ride was quiet. When we arrive there is an enormous mansion in front of me. A white one. I don't know why I'm shocked maybe because I thought his house would be black too?

He opens the door and steps in, not holding it up for me so the door almost slams right at my face. I follow him up a big staircase. And walk towards a door. "This is your room, get in and don't disturb me, ever." he says pointing at the door. I already hate this man.

"Are we staying in separate rooms?" I ask not because I would want to stay with him but that's just not what I thought. I guess everything here is shocking me now, since I thought Ezra would be an old man. I'm happy he's not.

"Did you have something else in mind" he says. And suddenly I feel embarrassed. "No of course not I'm relived actually" I say crossing my arms.

"You can sleep where you want" he says and I nod as I get inside my room.

I don't want to make him angry. He could do anything at anytime. And it seems like he also hates me, so I should probably be careful.

My room is cozy. It has a big bed in the middle, many pillows to sleep with. If it was not the Perez home I would actually like this place. I open the wardrobe and find all types of clothes. From dresses to jeans to underwear. It has everything.

Hours pass and I have absolutely nothing to do. They took my phone. I am so bored there is no books or games. Nothing to do.

I decide to talk to Ezra. I knock on some doors since I don't know which one he's in. When he finally answers I walk in. It looks like this is his office. It's very clean. "What? I'm working." He says looking at some papers. "Oh sorry I just..." I pause scared to ask.

"You can ask" he now looks at me. Well I now have to get permission to talk. What the hell.

"I am very bored and thought maybe I could have my phone back. Or if you could get me a book or something." I say.

Ha stands up and opens one of his drawers. He takes out a phone but it's not mine this one is new I think. He hands it to me and I take it. "Thanks" I say as he sits back down behind his desk.

"You are allowed to message only your family. If you call someone I want the call to be short and quick. I will know when you do message someone I do not like. Understood?" He asks.

"Am I allowed to message my friend?" Because I need to tell Jayden everything.

"Is this friend a boy" he asks

I panic "yes"

"Then no"

How can someone enjoy controlling other people like this. "This is insane." I say throwing my arms in the air. "You can't just tell me who I can and cannot call" I slowly walk toward his table.

Shaking his head, he says,
"I do what I want, love." The way he calls me love makes my skin crawl. I feel a surge of disgust and, before I can stop myself, I blurt out,
"I hate you." He just watches me, his eyes cold and unfeeling.

"Good thing we feel the same then" he replies, a smirk playing on his lips. "What a perfect match." His words are laced with sarcasm, and it only makes me angrier.

I get annoyed and get out of his room as fast as I can, before I decide to argue with him. I pull out the phone I got and make a group chat with Alex and Eloise.

"Hey guys it's Amelia, this is my new number " I text

"How are you, has anyone done something to you?"

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