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Amelia is sleeping in her room. Adan walks in and wants to talk to me. "Hey man" he says and I nod in response. "I think it's time to talk" Adan says and I wait for him to talk.

"About Amelia" he pauses. "You have changed a lot since you've met her. You've become this man no one's ever seen, she is doing things to you and you have to put an end to it" I let him finish. "It's putting you and her in danger. You used to fuck new girls every week and now all you think about is her. You can't let a girl come before Mafia. It has always been Mafia before love and now you are doing the opposite."

I rub my forehead in frustration.

"All she does is benig good to people why can't you all just like her" i say knowing this all is bad for her. My life is nothing i would want to give her. "You make very bad decisions because of her Ezra and now you put her and yourself in danger" Adan says and I know it's true. I am dangerous to everyone near me. I would never hurt her but the other mafias will. I can't keep doing this to her. Everyday is a living hell for her. I am hurting her. That's all I know to do. And now being put in danger because of me.
I will never forgive myself for putting her into this much pain.
She will be free from all this and I will never let her go through something like this again.

Somehow it hurts. It never used to hurt. This time it does. I thought this feeling was gone when mom died. That was the last time I was ever hurt. I promised myself to never feel love or loved again because the only thing that come from love is pain. And I never would want to feel it again. My heart hasn't ever been beating this much for someone and it's scary. How much control she has over me. I don't like it at all.

But ever since she came into my life I've felt so protective over her. I don't want anything bad happen to her and for that I have to let her go. Give her a chance to be happy.

When mom died I distanced myself from everyone. I hand not a single friend left after a month. I wouldn't blame them. I told everybody to fuck off. And they did.
And this time I will tell Amelia that not because I want to. Because it's what's best for everyone even for her.


"Yea" he says. "Get Amelia's things packed up she's leaving" I tell him as he nods and leave my room. I never thought someone leaving me would be this hard.I have to get out of my thoughts. I pack my training clothes and get out.



A knock on the door. "Come in" I yell from bed. Adan comes in. "Adan what is it?" I say waiting for a answer. "Ezra wants you to leave this house, pack your things and you can leave" he tells me. I sit on my bed in shock. That's not possible. After everything we've been through. I stand up and walk closer to Adan. "That can't be true where is Ezra" I demand because this is insane. Adan sighs one time. "Don't you get it he's tired of your shit, he want's the life he had before you" Adan says. "You mean the life where he had no emotions, just killing and fucking girls?!" I say because this can't be what Ezra wanted.

"Yea exactly, he hates you, you never gave him what he wanted" Adan answers with no hesitation. Two maids come inside and open my wardrobe. They put everything in a suitcase. My hands go to my forehead as I back up to sit down on the bed. I sit there in shock trying to understand why he would want this.
"I need to talk to him" I say because it can't only be me that have felt the thing between us. "Don't you get it he doesn't want you near him anymore, he's probably fucking someone right now" Adan says. I feel my anger rise. What the fuck. Has he been with other girls this whole time. I'm so mad right now. I don't deserve this. And suddenly I get sad but I can't let Adan know Ezra has hurt me. I stand up in anger and push the maids aside as I close the suitcase myself and carry it outside. The fact that Ezra does this right after the most traumatic thing happened to me says only one thing. He doesn't care and never has.

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