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It's the wedding day. I haven't been able to sleep at all. Lorenzo, Romeo and Alex joined me in my room. I look myself in the mirror as I fix my bow. Alex comes from behind and grabs me by the shoulders turning me to face him.
"Are you ready?" He asks as if I haven't wanted this since the day I met Amelia.

I nod. "Can I have a word with you" he asks. Lorenzo and Romeo leaves the room letting us talk. He lets go of my shoulders. "I am trusting you to take care of her now, I'm not trying to pressure you but hurt her and you won't see her face again." He says speaking like the big brother he is. I nod in agreement. I'll make Amelia the happiest women on earth.
"I'm not good at expressing myself but believe me when I say that today I won't just have a wife, but I have gained a brother too" I say as a smile tugs at Alex's lips.

It is true, I've never admitted it but Alex is like a brother to me. Ever since that day at the hospital he has trusted me and I him. We both care for Amelia and that brings us closer.

"Go marry my sister now" he says pushing me to the door. The guests are already seated waiting for us.
When the live music starts playing I walk straight passing by the guests.

Mia is crying before Amelia even comes out. She waves to me trying to keep it together but fails. I wait for our song to play. The doors open and Dex steps out first with a basket in his mouth. "Come here boy" I say kneeling down as he comes running to me. I grab the basket and take the rings.
Shortly after Amelia steps out with Alex.

(The dress):

I can't look away from her

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I can't look away from her. She is stunning. Her dress filled with details in the shape of flowers. She looks like a princess. My heart is pounding faster than ever. She truly is too beautiful for this world. Mia is sobbing as she watches Amelia walk towards me. Alex hands Amelia over to me and we now stand in front of each other. I mouth the words. "You look beautiful" and she giggles.

"You look handsome" she says. We turn to the wedding minister as he begins to speak. "Welcome, loved ones. We are gathered here today to join Ezra Perez and Amelia Gonzales in holy matrimony." He begins as I can't look away from Amelia. "Let's hear your vows first" he says as I grab the paper in my pocket. I take a deep breath before I read. This is not easy for me.

"I always thought it would be difficult to find someone who will love me when i'm broken in a thousand pieces"
I breathe again.
"It's like trying to complete a puzzle when you don't even know if you have all the right pieces.
You showed me that every piece doesn't have to be in place to create something beautiful.
That love can exist in the most imperfect and broken people.
I promise you our love will be just as beautiful if you're in thousand pieces or just one" I say then look up to find Amelia crying. "Don't cry love" I whisper. She breathes out once hard. "I don't know if I can read mine without crying" she says making all of us laugh.
"Alright here I go" she says before reading.

"I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe we are only fated to do the things that we'd choose.
And I'd choose you, in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality,
I'd find you and I'd choose you.
I am yours. With every inch of flesh and bone in my body, I belong to you." She says as her voice cracks at the last words. I try too keep it together but It's never been this hard.

"Alright, Ezra Perez, will you have this woman to be your wife. Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her so long as you both shall live? If so, answer, I will" the minister says and I grab Amelia's hands.

"I do" I say without hesitation. He repeats the question but to Amelia this time. She smiles at me eyes sparkling from tears. "I do" she says as I can finally take a relieved breath. We put the rings on each other. "Then I now pronounce you husband and wife" he says and I can't wait another second so I pull her close and kiss her. People are applauding and cheering. I break the kiss. "I love you Amelia Perez" I say, it sounding just right.

"I love you too my handsome husband" she says making it sound so good on her tongue.

After a lot of congrats Amelia turns away from the guests "girls it's time to catch the bouquet"she says as the ladies runs up to stand behind her. Some of her old classmates stands behind, arms in the air wanting to catch the bouquet. Amelia throws it and it lands in Mia's hands.

"Wait what does this mean?!" she says happy that she caught the flowers. "It means your next" Alex says from beside her. They definitely have something going on.

Mia immediately runs up to hug Amelia. "I'm so happy for you, you look gorgeous" she says sobbing. Then she throws her arms around me. "Congratulations" she says as I laugh at how much she is crying. "Thank you" I say.

"Now let's celebrate" Alex says grabbing Mia by the arm and pulling her to him. She hooks her arm in his as they both walk off to find drinks.


We celebrate for the whole night and it's midnight when people are leaving. It's mostly empty now. And we are finally a married couple. It's been an incredible day and the memories will forever be with us.

Amelia walks towards me with Dex in her arms. He's getting bigger each day. "Aren't we a perfect little family" she says.

"Definitely love, I've never seen anything as perfect as us" I say as Dex licks us both in the face. I smile. Her laugh bringing me joy. "I could listen to that laugh every day for every hour" I say closing my eyes as she keeps laughing.


3 years later


"Ezra look she's walking!" I say as I hold out my arms for my daughter.
He comes fast and video tapes everything. Her first steps. I can't believe she's grown so much. She takes slow steps towards me. But she gets too exited and trips.

Ezra puts down the phone then lifts Lilly up in the air. Spinning her around. "Have my princess learned to walk" he says with joy. Lilly laughs showing her two front teeth. Ezra throws her in the air then catches her. She's having so much fun. He's a perfect dad. "Ezra careful" I say laughing as he throws her up again.

"Don't worry I won't ever let her fall" he says.

We have been hurt and in pain for so many years by many but in the end you can't tear out the pages of the book just because you don't like them. They all play a part in our story and it wouldn't be the same without them. For example I never would've met Ezra if it weren't for my dad. Life always has a plan for us, and when we least expect it it turns out to be everything we were hoping for.
I got everything I never knew I needed.


And this story has finally come to an end!
Hope you guys liked it and thank you for following me on this ride.

It is an amazing feeling knowing people love the things I write.
You all have been so supportive and helpful!
Without you guys I never would've finished this story so thank you! <3
And I hope you'll stay for many more stories! 😉

Love you all!

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