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I'm really back here. Ezra doesn't want to talk to me much and I get that. It's just hard seeing him like this again. It's like when I first came here. He's cold and talks little. His answers very short.

He is nowhere to be seen. I've looked in all of his rooms. The only place I haven't been in is the room no one is allowed in. Only he goes in and out from it. I guess he hides something in there and I let him have his privacy.

I walk to the other side of the hall and knock on the door. He opened the door to step out. "Yes?" He says giving me an questioning look.
"What are you doing in here?" I ask curious but this is not what I came to ask. I don't even know why I want to talk to him. He closes the door behind him before I can see anything. Oh common.

"None of your business" he mumbles before walking away. But of course I follow him. "Sorry didn't mean to bother you." I say walking beside him. "But I guess I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry for making it all so complicated, if I had anywhere else to go..." he cuts me off looking at me this time. "You can stay here for as long as you want, and besides this house is pretty empty without you" he says making me smile.

My cheeks so red. I move a little closer to him and as we walk towards the rooms our arms touch more than once. I turn around to face him when we are standing outside my door. "Well, goodnight then" I mumble. "See you tomorrow Amelia" he says as he keeps on walking. I never thought we would say those words again.
See you tomorrow.


He's moody again. He's been like this for a week and I thought we were good but Ezra is acting weird. I've tried to push him to tell me what it is but he keeps ignoring the question. It's like I'm some alien to him.

He's been out a lot this week too, with his friends. And I think maybe we need to talk. Tonight when he comes home I will ask him about what's going on.

Right now I need to get out of this house. I decide to visit Mia. And I realize I haven't told her anything about this. I take the car to Mia and knock on her door. "Amelia!" She says hugging me. "We need to talk" I say smiling as I begin. I tell her everything. How my father forced me to do this. And how Ezra has been acting. "I don't know what to tell you, I'm sorry this happened" she says. "And Ezra is a dick, I don't know how you can stand him" she adds making us both laugh. "He's not that bad when you know him" I tell her but can't convince her. "Yea right" she says nodding.

"So what are you going to do? Keep living with a man that ignores you?" She asks. "I think I really have to talk to him, and this time he can't ignore my questions" I say as Mia nods.

"Go on then get home and talk to him" she says and I get going.

The driver takes me back home and I wait for Ezra in the living room.
Hours pass by.

It's almost 12 pm when the door opens. Ezra almost trips stepping into the house. "Oh shit" he says under his breath. Trying to steady himself. Is he drunk.

He spots me on the couch.
"I'm sorry I thought you would be asleep by now" he says walking over to me. I stand up and help him walk to the couch.
"God how much have you been drinking?" I say getting him to sit down. His hand goes up to his forehead. Rubbing it a few times. He is definitely going to feel like shit tomorrow.
"Ezra I wanted to talk to you" I mumble. Maybe this isn't the time but I have to ask.

"Are you mad at me, have I hurt you?" I ask but he only stares at me. "I can't do this right now" he says getting up from the couch then walks towards the stairs. I follow him.
"No, this time I want you to talk to me. Why do you keep ignoring me" I say but he keeps walking up. When we reach the top I grab him by the arm. Stopping him in place. "Answer me Ezra, why are you mad at me?" I say desperately wanting to know.

"Why I'm mad?" He repeats. "I'm mad because I have no one, I'm mad because I have no family, I have nothing...nothing but you" He says.
"And it kills me to know how bad I am for you, how you deserve so much more" he tries to hold his feelings but the alcohol making him say more. I have never seen him like this. So vulnerable.

I hug him tight. He digs his face into my neck. I feel so sorry for him. How he's been holding it all for himself. Having no other person to talk to. "You are the only good thing that has happened to me and I can't stand the fact that I hurt you" I slowly pull away from the hug. "Shhh don't say that. You could never hurt me" I say making sure he knows he hasn't done anything. I walk him to his bed. We step into his room and I slowly take his jacket off. He only looks down at me as I do it. We then get in bed together. He lays on my chest as I hold him. "With you I never feel alone" he says before slowly falling asleep.

I think I've had so much going on I never realized how much I like this man. I've fought every day to prove to myself that we are no good, but the truth is that I trust him with my heart and soul.

My baby finally showed emotion.

And remember you are never alone! I love every single one of you <3

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