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Pete kisses me back as he grabs my ass and waist. When we break the kiss I feel out of breath. I don't know why I even did that because I don't even like this guy. But the only person I can think of right now is Ezra. Pete seems like he hasn't had enough and leans in for more. But we get interrupted.

"Let her go" a dark voice says from behind. Pete stops and looks at the man standing behind me. I had wished this was another dream but he is here. Actually here. I turn around and my heart skips a beat when I see him. "Who are you?" Pete says. His hand still on my ass.

"If you keep touching her ass I will kill you" Ezra says so serious, and Pete doesn't move it. Mistake, a big mistake.
"Fuck you man, get going" Pete says and in seconds Ezra's fist meets Pete's cheek.
Pete falls on the sand as he tries to get beck up Ezra gets on the ground and keeps punching him in the face. Pete's nose is bleeding a lot and face swollen.

"Fucking touch her again and I will kill you!" Ezra shouts. Everyone watching us.

"Ezra stop!" I yell at him. He stops at my voice. "Leave" I say to him as I grab his arm and try to lift him up. He stands up and looks at me, eyes sparkling when he meets my gaze.

Without a word, he only looks at me. I take his arm and walk him out of here. I take him to the parking lot. "Fucking leave" I say pointing to where he should go. Away from me.

"I'm sorry I don't know what got into me." He says. Not once do I look him in the eye. Because I know it will hurt.

"I want you to leave" I keep telling him. My head can't think. I feel so extremely drunk I could fall to the ground in any minute. I close my eyes.
"Are you drunk?" He asks touching my arm. "Don't touch me" I yank my arm away.

"I won't" his hands go up behind, to his neck. I take a step forward when I almost fall to the hard ground. But strong arms catch me. His hands on my waist. When I stand up again we are much closer than before. I can hear my own heart beating so fast.

He doesn't let go but I push his hands away. "Thank you" I say but suddenly feel the need to yell at him. "No, this isn't fair!" I yell.

"You can't do this to me, I don't want to see you anymore! You made your choice Ezra" I keep screaming. And I wish I had never taken those drinks because I keep talking like an idiot.

"I know, I know" he says disappointed.
"You are everywhere! I've tried to get you out of my head for so long and when I finally think I've done so you decide to get back!"

Shut up Amelia, shut up!

"I've tried so hard to forget you! And you keep showing up everywhere! Did you know you have been in my dreams since I left? No since you made me leave, that's it." I'm embarrassed that I've said every single thing I should not.

I don't know if I see correctly but a small smile tug on his lip. "Stop smiling. Are you following me is that it? Bad things happen to me when I'm with you!" I say stepping away.

"I promise I never thought you would come here, if I knew I would've never come." He says watching every part of me. "Well you did and look at what you did" I say looking back at the beach.

"Who was that guy?" Ezra asks.

"No one! Oh and don't act like you haven't been with other girls, what matters right now is what you did!" I say. Trying to focus on my anger.

"You know that's not true." he says so genuine I almost believe him. "Let me take you home safe, it's the last thing I will do" he says.
"No I'm here with a friend she will get me home" I answer as I sit down on the ground. He gets down too and sits beside me. His arms on his knees.

"You can go she will be here soon" I tell him but he doesn't move only waits. "I won't leave until she comes here and you get into her car." He says as we both watch the sea. Protective now are we. I want to smile. But remember I am angry at him. But deep inside I know he means good. After a while I break the silence.

"Well Ezra Perez how's life while fucking as many as you want?" I ask and my drunk self really loves to talk don't it.

"Jealous aren't you" he says teasingly. Before he can say anything else. I get back on my feet. Not wanting to hear another word from his mouth. "No I'm not jealous I always knew you were one of those guys" I say disappointed.

"One of those?" he says surprised. "Yea you know those who don't give a shit" I say. He doesn't answer to that. "What have you been doing?" He says.

"I don't have to tell you anything you know. But I'm too fucking drunk to shut up." I say and he laughs.

"Like you would stop talking sober" he adds.
"Ha. Ha funny" I say crossing my arms. I cant let him get to me again. It will only hurt me and I don't want to get hurt again. I've been broken too many times.
"I'm working, for the most part" i answer fast. Trying to look bored.
"Where?" He asks curious.

"Like I would tell you" I say. Still feeling so dizzy. We are quiet for a minute. But I do have to know one thing. "Did you ever...think about me?" I ask.
He hesitates when he says "yea"

My eyes goes to his face. "You did? Oh... I thought you had switched me with another girl" I say nervous. "No girl could ever take your place." he says as he's breathing becomes heavy. We both are staring at each other. His face moving closer to me as I stay in place. "Wha-?" I say as soft as a whisper. "Stop doing this to me Ezra" I let out but before I get a chance to react he presses his lips on mine. His soft lips moving against mine.

I kiss him back once when I realize what I am doing. How wrong this is. I push him away. I breathe hard. "Wh...what are you doing" I back up in panic. "You kissed me!" I say out of shock. "Why would you kiss me, this is wrong" I place my palm on my forehead.

"You kissed me back" he answers placing two fingers on his lips. "I'm drunk Ezra, I'm not I'm my right mind!" I say still trying to process what just happened. "This was a big mistake, I don't want you to hurt me again." I say when he backs away.
"I never meant to hurt you Amelia believe me, I thought what I did was best for you" he tries to tell me. "But you did hurt me a lot and I won't let you do it again" I say as his face becomes sad.

"Amelia!" A girl is running towards us. Mia.
"Where have you been" I ask her and she takes me behind her standing in front of me.

"Is this Ezra?" She whispers to me. I nod and realize she has been drinking too. And it's not only coke. Oh god Mia. She slaps Ezra in the face. My hands cover my mouth. She really was serious when she said she would slap him.

"You Ezra don't deserve a perfect girl like Amelia. She is not a toy you can put where you want and she will never go back to the place you made her feel like shit in." Mia says while struggling to stay on her feet.

Great now we can't get home.

"Mia lets go" I say dragging her t-shirt. "No wait I'm not done" she turns back to Ezra. He does nothing but listen.

This is embarrassing. "Did you know this girl actually had feelings for you, she is dreaming about you every night and you come here and ruin the only night she wasn't thinking about you" I press my hand onto her moth and stop her from saying anything more. I don't want him to know what I've been seeing in my dreams after all.

I have no other option than get home with Ezra. Lucky man, got what he wanted. I take Mia's hand to move to Ezra's car. Without hesitation he gets in the car and drives off. Mia is in the back seat with me. She's laying down on my lap sleeping.
Ezra looks back at me from the mirror. "What, stop looking?" I say embarrassed he knows so much about my feelings for him.

"Is it true? What she said?" He asks driving.

"It was true" I say. "But I've changed, my feelings for you have changed, I don't know why you are in my dreams but you won't from now on. What we did tonight was a mistake and won't happen again, never kiss me again unless I want to" I tell him as he keeps his eyes at the road.

I give him Mia's address since she has her own apartment and he takes us there.

So our first kiss was a mistake😔but I really need them back together!

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