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We split up in two cars. Alex, Adan and Carlos is with me and the rest of the team in the other car. We drive a 30 minute long drive and park right in front of the old museum. "Alright everyone be careful" Adan says holding the mice that's inside his ear.

We open the car doors and get out. It looks so empty here. It's pretty much an abandoned building. We step inside and aim our guns to what we thought would be our enemies. But not a single person is here. "Search every corner of this building" Adan says moving forward to find anything. I follow Alex upstairs and we walk into different rooms that are totally empty. Except this one room. Something catches my eye. "Alex look" I say pointing to the room where a silver box is laid on the floor.

I pick it up and open it. A letter.

"Read it" Alex says curiously. And I don't have to read the letter to know exactly who wrote it. Just by the handwriting I can tell that his letter is from father.

"Shit" I mumble to myself.

To A
Your little husband decided to try and kill me. He failed of course. Trying to kill me was the dumbest shit ever so I decided to play a little game with you. I'm unhappy to know I couldn't kill all of you back home. So if you find me I will give the Perez back to them and take you instead. But hurry because he is not in good shape, let's hope he survives the night.

I don't think I am breathing. My heart is pounding so fast it hurts. "Amelia breathe" Alex says taking the box of my hand. "Holy shit" I say scared.

"I know he's a fucking monster" Alex says clenching his fist out of anger.

"How do I find him I have to save Ezra"I say. "No you can't risk your life for him Amelia I won't let you do it" Alex says trying to stop me from finding him. "Give me the box" I say and take it from his hand. I look inside it again to find any type of clue. I look under the box and find another note. I open it.

'Make a wish, but be sure to not take a drink'

"It's a riddle" I mumble. "Adan" I yell from upstairs as I run down leaving Alex behind. I tell him everything and we are now trying to solve this stupid riddle my father has written. "A fountain!" I yell when I solve it. "It's a fountain and I know now exactly which one" I say getting the whole team to follow me to the cars. It's starting to get dark so i try to hurry.

We drive to the lake house where my father used to take us to when we were little. It has a big fountain in front of the house and this must be what he meant. I run up to the fountain and look for any other clue. My eyes catches another paper. "There" I point into the water. "No way you found it" Adan says reaching for it getting his arm wet. He takes it out of the plastic bag and reads it.

"I have all the stories you need" Adan reads. What could that mean. "What is it?" Adan asks. "I don't know" I shake my head trying to think.

"Stories?" I repeat to myself. "Fuck I suck at this" I mumble not able to think anything else than that Ezra might be dead right now. "Maybe he means books like a library?" Adan says. "Omg you'r right it has to be!" I yell.

"But there are hundreds of libraries which one is it" I say trying to remember if me and father ever went to a library together. No we never did. We don't have time to search every library in town.

Fucking think Amelia! Think.

About 5 minutes pass and I suddenly remember one thing my father said this one time. He always brought books to my room, well not the cute stuff like Alice in wonderland. It was usually about how to handle weapons or how to fight. Stuff like that.

But one time I asked where he got all of these books from because I don't think they have things like this in public libraries. He said "you know in movies they have secret rooms, I may keep them there, its got all the best stories you need"

I never believed in that. I just thought it was some silly thing he said to a little kid, because I knew my home very well. I knew every little detail of it but could there be a hidden room. "I think I know where they are" I say and both Alex and Adan looks at me. And the thought of going back home is terrifying. The place all of my trauma is. And to think father wanted me home just so he could kill me in the same spot he killed the others.

"Let's go then" Adan says leading us back to the cars. We drive fast and arrive outside my old home. The guys walk inside first ready to shoot. And as I walk inside I feel my breathing becoming heavy. It's like my body is telling me to go back out because this place is hell. This is my hell and I just walked through it to try and save Ezra.

I let the guys search everywhere in every room. My eyes catches the blood stains on the couch. And I want to cry but hold it together. Alex watches it too. And I wonder how hard this has been for him. After all he was here when it happened and I can't imagine that pain. I hug him in just a second before I keep searching. I walk upstairs and in to my fathers office. I try to pull every thing just like in movies. Then I feel under the table and my hand feels something. A button. "Guys I found this" I say not wanting to press it yet.

They all run into this room and wait for me to press it. And when I get a nod from Adan I do. The shelf on my side flings open and reveals a staircase going down. What the hell.

Do we miss our man Ezra?!😩

Also I've seen so many sweet comments about my story this week, and I can't thank you guys enough, they mean everything to me 🤍

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