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I'm tired of having this conversation. For my whole life everyone has decided on how I should be and what I should become. I'm tired of everyone telling me I'm changing because of Amelia. I know I am changing but I'm happier. I don't know why it bothers everyone that I'm finally happy.

I knew it was a bad idea for my aunt to come here. Now she won't stop talking about how we should cancel the wedding. Fuck no. I just want everything to be good.

I've stopped listening to her from the first sentence. "I don't think she's the right one"
She said. But she's wrong. So fucking wrong. Nothing can stop the love we have for each other, for we were always something that was meant to be.

"Ezra do you hear my mother?" Lorenzo says waving his hand in front of my face. I try to stay calm but it's so fucking hard when you feel like you want to punch a wall. "Oh yes I'm hearing you Gia" I say looking at her. Before she gets another chance to speak I cut her off.
"I think this conversation is over, and I don't want any of you to speak bad about Amelia again. If you do I won't hesitate to throw you out." I say then walk away. I walk upstairs fists clenched. I stop in place to close my eyes, taking deep breaths.

Warm arms wrap around me from behind. I let out a relieved breath. She really is the only one in this world that knows how to calm me. I turn around as her hazel eyes looks up at me.
"How do you do it?" I ask. She gives me a confused look with a smile on her lips. "Do what" she asks.

"Know what to do or say when I think I'm losing it" I say pulling her closer to me by the waist.
"I just knew you needed a hug" she says. I shake my head.

"It's not the hug that I needed." I say.
"It was you, love" I add as she presses her lips on mine. I melt into the kiss.

"Ewww" a small voice says. We both turn our heads to spot Antonio looking at us with Dex beside him. We both laugh at his reaction. "I see you have met Dex" I say as the dog comes running to me. I know I'm supposed to hate the thing but I have to admit he is cute.
"I think he likes me" Antonio says. "Of course he does he loves everyone" Amelia says.

"Antonio!" Auntie Gia yells from the stairs. "What have I told you about animals, don't get attached to it" she says exactly like father used to. They are really alike.
Antonio hugs himself backing away from us.
"I was the one who wanted them to meet, it's not his fault" Amelia says.

The expression on my aunts face changes into annoyance. She rolls her eyes then looks at me. "Are you going to shut her up" she says grabbing Antonio's hand.

"Go now, before I lose my shit Gia" I warn her. She takes Antonio with her as they walk back downstairs. "I'm so sorry" I turn to Amelia. "I'm sure she will warm up to me in a few days, I want to have a good relationship with your relatives" she says grabbing my hand. I let out another relieved breath at her touch. "And besides the boys seem to like me" she says as I nod in agreement. "They sure do" I say.


Amelia has been so busy with the wedding plans. I let her take care of the decorations. She wants a lot of candles and small white flowers. She won't let me see the dress. Apparently it's bad luck if I see it. She wanted it to be small and in our garden. Antonio really loves Amelia. He follows her everywhere and it's really sweet.
Lorenzo and Romeo has been a lot of help lately. They do as Amelia says, and does some paperwork for me too. I hear voices stepping closer to me.

"No but it would be so romantic if you put red roses everywhere" Lorenzo says walking into the living room with Amelia. "Since when did you become a romantic" I say laughing. "No really it would be magical" he adds.

"I like the bridal veil flowers more" Amelia says flipping pages in a book.
"Ezra which ones do you prefer" Amelia asks showing me pictures from the book. "The white ones" I say as Lorenzo sighs.

"You said that just because Amelia said it" he rolls his eyes. I nod. "Whatever she likes I like" I say giving Amelia's soft hand a kiss.

"Alright love birds forget the flowers, the important thing is the entrance. It has to be magical" Romeo says stepping inside the room.
"I really want candles" Amelia says as the boys agree.

"We need a lot of them" Lorenzo says as we all nod. "Let's get going then, you have just a few days left." Romeo says taking out his car keys. Amelia kisses me goodbye then follow Romeo to start the shopping.

My aunt never really cared for me. She just knew I would make good money and have used that since forever. She never once worked in her life only lived on the money father sent for them. When he died I had to do the same. And the only reason I'm giving her money is for the boys. I want Antonio to have a good life.

When I was very little she used to use her words to hurt me. And they would get to me. She talked about my mother a lot. How I've betrayed her and how horrible I was for it. As a little boy these words felt like a knife in the heart. But as I got older I got used to her talking that way. I remember her watching my father shoot my friends or even hurt me like it was a fucking movie. So if it weren't for her boys I would take all my money back and let her suffer.

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