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I wake up with an extreme pain in my back. I go in the shower and the hot water burning my wounds. I put on a cream that makes the wounds heal faster. I don't think it's for this kind of wounds though. But I guess it does something good.

There is no bruises on my arms only my back. Eloise gets inside as I pull my shirt over my head as fast as I can. "Are you hurt?" She asks innocently. "No, no why, I'm all well" I tell her giving her a hug.

"But you were crying last night" she says scared. "Father and I were just fighting I'm fine really" I try to convince her and I think it worked because she nods and gets back to reading her book.

I get ready for school. The place I feel so safe at. A place where father can never come near me.

I get out of the house and our car drives me to school. Jayden is the first person to greet me at school. But I won't let him hug me because of the sharp pain on my back.

At the last lesson I look at my phone. 6 calls missed. My father has called me 6 times today. I panic. I ask mr Morgan if I can get out of the class because of a family crisis.
He tells me I can, and I run out. I call my father. "Where the hell have you been" he yells. "I'm at school" I tell him.

"The Perez family were supposed to meet you today he's on his way to you now" father screams at the phone. "I didn't know, you never told me I couldn't be at school today."

"He will give you what you deserve for this" he says as I hang up. I don't want him to keep screaming at me. Especially not in school. The lesson has ended and I walk back inside to get my bag.

I run outside to see that a black car is here. He is here. Shit. What do I do.

I see Jayden run out looking for me. I walk faster toward the limousine. "Amelia" Jayden yells making me stop. I turn around and he walks up to me. "Jayden you need to leave now" I tell pushing him away. "No why have I done something" he asks. I shake my head. "No, no you have to listen to me leave" I tell harsher this time. I don't want him to see me with that man.

He steps closer and takes my hand. "Why are you pushing me away?"

God can he just get away from me. We are too close to the car. "I think you are the one I'm looking for" a dark voice says from behind. I back away from Jayden and turn around. A young man dressed in black watching us.

"Hi I'm..." I get interrupted by him.

"Amelia I know, who the fuck is this?" He only looks at Jayden. "Get away man" Jayden says and takes my hand. Fuck. Why is this happening now.

"Let go of my wife, I won't warn you again" he says and Jayden of course does not listen. I guess we will both die here and now. This is a nightmare. A man I've never met is calling me wife in front of my boyfriend.

"What do you mean..." Jayden don't get to finish his sentence when the guys fist connects with his jaw. Jayden stumbles backwards by his hit and before he can react the guy goes in for another punch. "Next time you fucking listen" he says grabbing my arm. I follow because I don't know what else to do. His hand squeezes around my arm.

Jayden stands there in shock watching us leave. Watching me leave with a guy I don't know anything about. I want to cry but hold them back. Maybe if I act nice he will spare my life.

"Get in the car" he demands and I only do as he says because maybe I'm the next one to get a punch. He's scary. Dressed only in black colors. His hair and eyes black too. I watch him drive but he turns his head to look at me. Our eyes lock for a second and I turn my head.

"This wasn't how we were supposed to meet" he says after a while. "Yea" is the only word that comes out, but it comes out shaky, making it so obvious that I'm scared.
"You will not fucking meet this man again!" He says making me jump.

After a long minute I try to soften the tension.

"Are you going to tell me your name" I ask nervous. "Ezra Perez" he answers.

"I'm Amelia Gonzalez" I introduce myself. As if he already did not know that.

As I look outside the window I realize this isn't the way to my home. "Where are we going? I haven't packed my things yet and I need to say goodbye to my siblings." I tell him but he keeps driving.

When I don't get an answer I get annoyed. Which is so wrong right now because I don't know what he might do. "Hello? I want to go back home" I say and he turns to look at me, dead in the eye. His eyes so cold.

"Shut up. You're giving me a headache, I don't want you to ask any more questions. You talk when I tell you to." Ezra says and I get quiet. Terrified to say anything else. I want to jump out this car and run away. Trust me I've tried that with father...and it didn't end well.
But instead I accept my faith and sit down as he drives us to his mansion.

He's a bitch right now I know! But he will improve trust me.

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