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(Basically imagine the girls with a full on wendigo form)

(Basically imagine the girls with a full on wendigo form)

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Her body could take this all, even if it was broken to pieces, but it was the healing time that irked Wendy.

She could healed from anything and faster then humans but her body had rarely been broken as badly as she had currently suffered.

She was basically confined in a hidden room in the Dimitrescu castle, the two lords that killed Heisenberg basically laying low and hiding her which, to her dismay, needed to have Donna go home and act as if she never left if she ever got questioned.

The daughters kept her company, hell, even brought her quite a nice play thing that was a nice meal but she was restless, knowing she wasn't there to keep Donna safe for the bird mother.

She was playing with the edge of the veil still on her head since her own mask had been shattered.

"All I am saying it that it is dangerous still." Alcina tried to talk her down. "I promised Donna I'd keep you safe which is why you stayed here and not there."

"And I tell you, I am alright now, I can go back."

"Miranda will notice, somehow she still didn't but she will if she sees you leave this place."

"I don't care, I'll teach her a lesson."

Alcina sighed, this creature was adamant.

"fine." She relented. "But in the dead of night and through the basement, the left wall has a crevasse that can't fit a normal body through that the girls use in summer to sneak out, they assume I don't know but I do, with your body you should be able to squeeze through, you'll be outside in the forest, good luck from there."

"Pleasure doing business with you."

Alcina stood, needing to leave as they had been arguing for a long time and feeling drained of being in this room.

"Well then, rest for the day and then leave when you wish but I need to truthfully tell Mother Miranda if she asks that I don't know where you are so leave discreetly." She said, grabbing the door handle.

"I suppose I owe you." Wendy said, making the lady of the castle look at her again, the glow of her red eyes seeping through the veil but nothing much more.

"I was just helping my baby sister, she seems to care an awful lot about you." She shrugged.

"And I do care for her too so I owe you for helping her with your daughters, if I can do you anything, whatever you ask of me, just call my name, I'll hear it." She pulled the col of the black cap-like cloak the daughters had lent her for now, looking like their sister with it on her, pulling it lower, making a claw and slashing a cross over her heart. "Cross on my heart."

Alcina watched a moment, to her senses the blood smell foul, the stench of a corpse beyond use, carrion, but she kept her face cool and collected, not in the mood to offend the wendigo and have a fight with her over it, be it verbal or physical.

"Alright then if you insist, I'll keep that in mind but you had already saved Cassandra once, I suppose I owe you too."

"No, you repaid that helping Donna, now leave as you planned, the deal has already been stamped in blood and so it shall be."

".... Alright, good day and until we meet again."



It was a long wait.

It felt much longer then a long hunt to lure a human into her forest to eat and yet those hunts could last days if she chose someone anxious or well versed in her race's myths, and yet the wait for the sun to set felt longer.

And so when the moon peaked through the blinds, she was ready.

The basement was cold as the cold came with the changing seasons and the heat from the huge wood furnace had not yet reached the basement.

She followed the instructions, finding the crack indeed, pushing through, bones shifting against and past each other as she twisted her body through and into a larger tunnel.

"A long walk." She muttered, moving through it on all fours it was so small. A normal human would have struggled but like in her wendigo form she had no trouble moving on all fours plus her bodies ability to shift around let her easily put her feet flat against the ground as she moved, soon forced in a crawl as she exit into the talked about forest.

She stretched before standing on her two feet, scratching her cheek under the veil, she appreciated the borrowed clothes but she wanted to get back in her own stuff since her whole shtick was blending in not looking like a murderer off the bat.

She yawned, snapping her jaws shut when it let up, hearing the satisfying and solid snap of the teeth against each other.

She walked, following the clear wood and polish smell Donna had from always working with wood to make dolls, even days after she left it was easily followed for her, nature remembers a visitor for a long time.

She cracked and popped the joints in her elbows and shoulders, it surprised her that they were still sore but at the same time it was platinum that had held her captive and soreness is not an injury she can heal through like a broken bone or torn muscle, this she'd feel like everyone else.

The trip back to the elevator leading into the Beneviento property was fast, Wendy suspected the daughters of using the tunnel not only to get out to hunt but also to visit Donna uninvited before she had shown up.

She stopped for a moment, she could be free now, even with the collar still around her neck as Donna had the key home and those Heisenberg's had made before dying couldn't open it. even with this set back she could become her true form, damned be that shadow ability and the blood control, she didn't need them, she could be free again.

But that tasted of ash and mold in her mouth, the idea of freedom, as she noticed, seemed to change in meaning since that estate she was staring at felt more like freedom then the forest around her.

She grinned, quite happy for some reason, not purely from the realization, hell she wasn't even happy about that at all as she stepped in the elevator.

She opened the house door, picking the lock with her claw and closing it behind her.

All the lights were off and her eyes needed a moment to adjust as the house was surprisingly darker on the inside then the night outside.

She looked around, sniffing, Donna's smell came more concentrated from the elevator shaft of the house.

She walked over, dropping in the hole and impacting the ground heavily, causing a ruckus and causing a swarming feeling in her legs from the impact but she shook it off.

She followed the smell to her workshop and her grin go wider, seeing light seep out from the crack in the door.

Blood, Dolls And Monsters. (Donna X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now