-Mon Chérie-

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Donna was basically watching Wendy waltz from the living room into the kitchen, wearing new black pants and a long sleeved shirt.

She could have sworn she had furniture in her way but then again the wendigo's body seemed to be made of water with how she could move it.

Next moment there was a plate that was almost slapped on the coffee table in front of Donna.

"So chérie?"

She took a deep breath and with a fork, took a bite.

"Getting better." She sighed in relief and it was true, her cooking was getting better, more then one time having found the creature shadowing her while she cooked, wordless piercing gaze following her movement. "Tho this time the pancake batter was not mixed enough, it is not smooth."

She didn't know why Wendy was suddenly so adamant on being the best pancake cook but she was the test subject to her attempts, finding it adorable.

Wendy sat on the edge of the couch before letting herself fall back, Donna jumped a bit as her head smacked on her thigh, it was of course heavier then a human one since all the bulk of the beast form was somewhere hidden under human skin.

"I do appreciate it and all." Donna said as Angie, despite being a doll, scarfed down the rest of the pancakes on the plate, still needing to feed the Cadou inside her after all. "But why do you insist on cooking?"

"Well you might know I eat mostly humans chérie but since I can eat like you and you've been cooking for both I thought I'd put my skills to use."

"Right." Donna chuckled softly. "As if I'd believe that." She pointed her fork at her.

Wendy bit the fork prongs, Donna pulled it to her eyes, blinking, the prongs having been snapped off.

Wendy stuck her tongue out with the four prongs neatly lined on it before flicking them off somewhere.

"Is it just that hard to believe that I want to do something for you chérie?"

"I really wish I understood what you were saying."

"Ah what fun is in that? Je ne pourrais plus te taquiner sans que tu t'en rendes compte Donna." Wendy laughed.

Donna sighed.

"Come on, tell me." She poked Wendy's cheek harshly.

"No can do chérie." She saw the wink. "But really, I feel bored, I want to do something, if you need my help I am here."

"That's nice of you but not today." Donna sighed, not in the mood to do much more then read.

"I am bored chérie." Wendy said, Donna wished she could speak that language but she couldn't unfortunately, she recognized it from somewhere but not enough to understand anything, messing with her thoughts in dirty ways.

Donna couldn't deny the creature was captivating, her mind like her body but she was too shy to even admit it to herself when she had just built up the courage to kiss her.

"Sorry, nothing to do for now." She said, chasing those thought deep inside her before her face could get any redder then it became when she realized what she thought about, Wendy having pushed her top up to scratch her stomach, Donna's eye lingering a bit too long before looking back at her book.

"Bien sûr qu'il y en a, au lit avec toi et en appelant mon nom mais tu mourras avant d'admettre que tu y penses aussi."

The relationship between them had changed since that night and yet felt like it always had been like that and she wanted to bask in it while it was still calm, while Mother Miranda didn't call, while villagers didn't bother her, while everything was just stopped.

She hesitated a moment before passing her hands in the once again clean bone white hair, Wendy letting it happen.

Donna smiled, finding it relaxing, feeling like she could be here all her life if not most of it.

Tho there was one thing she needed to do.

Find out what damned language Wendy has been speaking half her sentences in because it was driving her insane.

Blood, Dolls And Monsters. (Donna X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now