~Chapter 2~

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~Zoro's Pov~

I haven't been able to shake the feeling that something is wrong with Sanji, he's been acting weird lately. He's been... nicer to me as of that night. I was laying down when Sanji brought me some dessert like the ones he'd make for Nami and Robin. "Why are you giving me this?" and once again he said nothing instead he looked me in the eye and walked away. God he was so frustrating! Not once since then has he said a single word to me, no snarky remarks, no mean names. NOT EVEN MOSSHEAD! Something is definitely wrong. I'll have to talk with the crew without Sanji, or at least someone. Well I guess I'll eat whatever he gave me, it doesn't look too bad. When I took a bite it actually tasted kinda good...

~3rd Person Pov~

Zoro finished the dessert and got up to put it in the kitchen, but saw Sanji inside. So he left it by the door for Sanji and walked away. He knew something was wrong with Sanji but he would wait to talk to someone, 'maybe Nami could help' Zoro thought to himself. That's when Sanji tapped his shoulder. Zoro instantly turned around knocking Sanji over, Zoro grabbed Sanji's hand and pulled him back. Zoro didn't think it through very well like he does with most things, so Zoro ended up falling back from the sudden impact and weight of Sanji. Sanji still ended up falling to the floor, except... it wasn't the floor he hit... it was Zoro. Sanji and Zoro looked at eachother and made eye contact, too confused on what happened, neither could move. That was until they heard 2 girls gasp in shock. Instantly Sanji got up and Zoro did the same but stepped back a bit, to put some distance between them. "What in the world is going on here?!" Nami asked dumbfounded and shocked. "N-Nothing Nami-Swan! I fell that's it" Sanji said walking away from Zoro. Robin just looked at Zoro with a 'did you two' kinda look, Zoro instantly became red in the face with embarrassment, he shook his head no and looked at Nami. "You better start explaining yourself Zoro!" By now Sanji was long gone and Zoro felt... bad. He knew Sanji loves Nami and Robin, and both had just caught them in what looked like something... rather awkward. Nami and Robin awaited Zoro to say something. Zoro was unsure where to start, should he tell them he thinks something is wrong with Sanji or should he explain what just happened.

~Word Count is 432~

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