~Chapter 4~

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~3rd Person pov~

Once at the island, everyone got off. Zoro kept looking over at Sanji, but Sanji never looked at him. Nami and Robin looked at eachother and sighed. "Well let's find an inn, we will be stuck here for a few days." Nami said. Instead, Robin and Chopper went to look at books, Jinbe and Brooke left to go look around (Brooke went to look at girls and stuff), Franky and Ussop went to look around for stuff to use if the ship got damaged. Nami huffed and looked at Zoro and Sanji, and with that she got an idea. Nami took Luffy to find and Inn. That meant.... Zoro and Sanji were left alone, by themselves. Zoro and Sanji didn't make eye contact at all, Sanji finally broke the awkward silence, "I'm going to go find stuff for food". Sanji started to walk away, but Zoro grabbed his hand and dragged him along. Sanji tried pulling away, "Zoro let go" Sanji pleaded, but Zoro stayed quiet while he looked for somewhere to talk with Sanji. Zoro spotted an alleyway, and started pulling Sanji into the alleyway. Once both of them were out of sight from everyone, Zoro pushed Sanji against the wall and blocked any way for Sanji to try and move away, "Why are you acting different! Why are you being nice to me all of a sudden!" Zoro was annoyed at this point. Sanji wasn't able to say anything, so he just kept looking down. Zoro at that point was starting to get angry, so he grabbed Sanji's wrists and pinned them to the brick wall behind him. Sanji was shocked, he looked up and realized how close Zoro was to him, but Zoro didn't seem to have noticed. Sanji just stared at Zoro's face, admiring his features. Sanji never noticed but Zoro had gray eyes, he then looked down to his mouth. Sanji started to lean forward and without thinking he had kissed Zoro, Zoro immediately went stiff with shock, confusion and other emotions he didn't know what to call. Zoro slightly shifted back and stared Sanji in the eyes, Sanji was also shocked at what just happened. Both were trying to figure it out, Zoro finally asked, "Why did you just..." "Kiss you?" Sanji asked, still a bit shocked at what he just did. Zoro just nodded, "I'm...I'm not sure" Sanji said. Sanji then sank to the ground and held his head. Zoro looked down at Sanji and kneeled down. "What's wrong with me!" Sanji yelled slightly, Zoro grabbed Sanji's hand, "Sanji, how long has this been going on?" "I... I don't know". Zoro didn't know what to say, so he just sat on his knees and hugged Sanji. He may not get along with Sanji, but he knew that Sanji might not know what's happening with himself either. Sanji was shocked Zoro hugged him, but Sanji hugged back and started crying. Sanji was confused and scared, he didn't know what was wrong with him.

~Word Count 502~

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