~Chapter 13~

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~3rd Person Pov~

Zoro and Sanji made it to Zoro's room, and Sanji was still being carried by Zoro. Zoro started kissing Sanji all over his face, which made Sanji laugh a bit. Zoro closed the door and locked it. Sanji kissed Zoro as he walked them to the bed. They had begun to have a make-out session, and the kissing had become more needy while they became handsy. Zoro tugged at Sanjis hair a bit, causing a small moan from Sanji as they kept kissing. Zoro pulled away and pulled his shirt off, Sanji sat up a bit and did the same. Sanji pulled Zoro to sit next to him as Sanji got on his knees, Zoro was confused as Sanji started to undo Zoros pants. After Sanji undid Zoros pants, he realized what Sanji was doing but didn't bother to stop him. Sanji had pulled out Zoros dick out, he looked up at Zoro and grinned. Zoro's face became hot, and he nodded. Sanji put Zoros dick into his mouth, Sanji began to Bob his head up and down, causing Zoro to groan here and there. Sanji picked up the pace of his head, which caused Zoro to instinctively grab Sanjis hair. Sanji moaned slightly but kept bobbing his head up and down. After a minute or 2, he came in Sanjis mouth. Sanjis took his dick out of his mouth, swallowing what was in his mouth, and licked off what was on his mouth. Zoro chuckled as Sanji took his own pants off. Zoro put his hands on Sanjis waist and pulled him on top of himself. Sanji kissed Zoro as Zoro positioned himself and slid into Sanji. Sanji moaned into the kiss, putting his hands on Zoro's shoulders. Zoro sat up and started kissing down to Sanjis's neck. Sanjis grip on Zoro's shoulders tighter a bit as he moaned. Zoro left some...very obvious marks along Sanjis neck. Zoro gripped sanjis hips, lifting Sanji up ever so slightly before biting his neck. Sanji moaned a bit as Zoro started to move Sanji up and down, Sanjis hands moved. One in Zoros hair and behind his neck. "F-fuck" Sanji said through moans and heavy breathing. Zoro continued to kiss and bite Sanjis neck, with occasional sucking. Zoro moved his hand to Sanjis dick and started moving his hand up and down. Sanji started moving himself up and down. After a few minutes both Sanji and Zoro cum. Sanji was panting heavily as Zoro kissed his neck a few more times. Zoro let go of Sanjis dick and wiped off his hand. "Let's go take a shower to clean up, okie?" Zoro said as he rubbed Sanjis back. Sanji nodded and set his chin on Zoros shoulder. Zoro stood up with Sanji, holding him close and protectively. Sanji smiled and closed his eyes, waiting to get in the shower. Zoro walked over to the bathroom with Sanji in his arms. He turned the shower on, kissing Sanji as he set him on the counter. Sanji pulled Zoro into a kiss, as they waited for the water to warm up they started to make out. Zoro's hands were placed on Sanjis thighs, Sanji had one hand on the back of Zoro's neck, and the other in his hair. After a minute, they pulled away for air. Zoro leaned over and kissed Sanjis forehead and smiled. Sanji put his hands on Zoro's shoulders and kissed Zoro's cheek. Zoro picked Sanji up again and walked into the shower. While they cleaned themselves, they began to talk, "Remember when we first met Sanji?" Sanji smiled, remembering when they met on The Baratie (the floating restaurant). "Yeah" He said as he leaned against Zoro, his back against Zoro's chest. Zoro wrapped his arms around Sanjis waist and set his chin on Sanjis Shoulder. "I love you" he said quietly and kissed Sanjis Shoulder. Sanji leaned his head back and turned his face towards Zoros head, "I love you too". They stated like that for a little bit before finishing up and getting out. After they got dressed and stuff, they laid in Zoro's bed cuddling as they waited for it to be dinner time. Sanji smiled and felt so happy.

What he didn't know was they'd run into a few people soon.

~Word Count 717~

A/N: Sorry it's such a short smut chapter, I don't really know how to make them good just yet. But I'm probably gonna end this book soon, I'm kinda running out of ideas :(

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