~Chapter 14~

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(Sad picture, sorry)

~3rd Person Pov~

After 2 days, the Strawhats made it to the next island. One they docked, they all got off, "Okie, does everyone want to stay on the ship or find an inn?" Nami asked. The crew looked at one another, "Maybe we should find an inn" Robin said. Everyone nodded in agreement, Sanji took Zoros hand in his as they walked down the street to look for an inn to stay at. After a few minutes, they found one. They got their rooms and put their stuff in it. They all met up in Nami and Robin's shared room. "So we got any plans for dinner?" Ussop asked. They all looked at Sanji and Zoro. They couldn't forget what happened last time they ate out, Sanji remembered what happened, and he then felt Zoros hand tighten a bit. Sanji glanced up at Zoro and then rubbed his hand. "Well, we can eat out again" Sanji said, "I'll be fine as long as I don't drink anything"

Zoro looked over at Sanji and he could tell Sanji was trying to let the crew enjoy dinner without them worrying about him, but Zoro knew Sanji felt guilty. Zoro rubbed Sanjis hand with his thumb and smiled sadly, but softly at Sanji. Sanji did the same and nodded, "I promise I won't let it happen again, I'll be more cautious." Sanji whispered to Zoro. Zoro nodded back and looked at the crew. "Why don't we eat out, I won't let him get hurt again." Everyone agreed and decided to find some place to eat. Sanji looked around at the shops, and he saw something in one that caught his eye. Zoro noticed this and got both Nami and Robin's attention, they all wanted to get Sanji something as a gift because they wanted him to be okie after what had happened to him. Nami looked at Robin, and they both nodded. Nami mouthed the word 'yes' to Zoro to let him know that would work for him. He nodded and they kept looking for some place to eat.

After a bit they found a place to eat, they got sat down and they began to order, Zoro order something him and Sanji both liked so they could share it (SO romantic bleh) and not risk Sanji being harmed, if the workers assumed that Zoro was the only one eating it then they wont tamper with it. Zoro got some water for himself before they got some for Sanji, so Zoro can take a sip and make sure the water didn't taste (yes taste, sometimes water can "Taste" different for me, like something very very little is different, weird and kinda hard to understand, just go with it for the story please ;-;) off, Zoro would always take a sip of Sanjis water, when Sanji would get a new one. Chopper would also do a sniff test since that's how he found out about the Monolith. They all order their food and shortly it came out, the waitress who did also brought out some animal treats for Chopper and some other candy's, like chocolates, small cookies for everyone else. Chopper did a sniff test and nodded in approval. While everyone was eating Sanji overheard bits and pieces of someone else's conversation, not purposely ease-dropping but he decided to listen a bit.

"Yeah did you hear that the King of Germa was in town? He got here a day or two ago, apparently hes been looking for someone" Sanjis smile dropped instantly, "Yeah hes looking for that Sanji guy from the strawhats right? I don't understand what he'd want with a low-life, no good, thieving pirate, but he sure is pissed" Sanjis face became pale like he had just seen a ghost. Zoro took notice and quietly asked if he was alright, "My love, are you alright?" he placed his hand over Sanji's and rubbed it a bit, Sanji looked at Zoro and he saw the clear look of worry, concern and love. Sanji shook his head and quickly got up and left, Zoro looked at the crew before he himself took off, then they followed. Nami left money to cover the bill plus tip money. Sanji took off back to the hotel, his eyes searching for his father and his siblings, his siblings were never far from their father. His eyes caught the pink hair of a girl and his heart sank, there standing and talking with a shop owner was his sister.

The owner saw Sanji and pointed in his directing, in turn his sister turns around and her eyes met Sanjis. Her eyes went wide and her mouth opened a bit, Sanji began to slowly back up. He turned around and ran right into someone, he looked up and saw green hair. He immediately thought it was Zoro, "Z-Zoro I'm sorry i didn't-" He then realized it wasn't Zoro... it was his brother (Forgot the siblings names). Sanjis eyes widen is shock and horror, "Hello dear brother, Fathers been looking for you" His other 2 brothers showed up with their dad and his sister eventually came over. Sanji became terrified, "Sanji my son, I've been looking for you everywhere, it seemed that the people I hired to bring you to me failed to do so. Instead they came back dead, all of them. But I know you didn't do it, so who helped you?" Sanjis eyes darted around looking for Zoro, or any of the crew, that's when his eyes landed on a certain green haired boyfriend of his. Sanji quickly shoved past his father and bolted for Zoro. His father seemed shocked by this and quickly chased after him, his siblings following their father, "ZORO HELP!" Sanji yelled as tears filled his eyes and fell like small waterfalls. Zoro and the rest of the crew turned their heads just as Sanji ran into Zoros arms crying.

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