~Chapter 10~

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~3rd Person Pov~

It was 11:26am on the ship, and the crew were waiting for Sanji to come make breakfast. “Where the hell is Sanji, I’m hungryyy!” Luffy yelled out as he rolled around on the floor, throwing a fit. Ussop than said, “Zoro’s also not here” The crew looked at each other, rushed out of the kitchen, and ran to Sanji’s room. Nami knocked before opening the door. To their surprise, Sanji wasn’t in his room. ‘Where could he be?’ Nami thought before she could think Robin started walking to Zoro’s room. “Robin, where are you going?” Chopper asked, tilting his head to the side. “I’m going to the one place Sanji could be” Nami said, then looked at Robin, who nodded. Nami started following Robin. The rest of the crew were confused but followed shortly after. Once the rest of the crew had gotten to Zoro’s room, Nami hesitated but knocked. After a few seconds with no reply, Nami used a bobby pin to unlock the door. She opened it slowly and when it was fully open they all walked inside quietly. Nami pointed at the plates Sanji had brought for Zoro and him. “It doesn’t look like either of them ate dinner” Nami whispered enough for the rest of the crew to hear. “But where are Sanji and Zoro?” Ussop asked quietly, Robin lifted her arm and pointed directly at Zoro’s bed. “There” she said. They all looked over and saw there was something under the blanket. “It looks like someone is under the blanket?” Franky said, everyone slowly crept up to the bed. Robin used her devil fruit powers to slowly move the covers away a little. Everyone was shocked to see Sanji laying on top of Zoro. Robin chuckled and covered them back up, but only enough so their heads weren’t covered, “Wait, but why is Sanji laying on Zoro?” Ussop asked. Nami sighed, “Maybe we should leave, Luffy wants food and it’s already 11:48. If we wait any longer, they could wake up and get mad, plus I’m kinda hungry now too” Nami said. The crew nodded and left the room, Robin grabbed the plates from dinner the night before. Once the crew got back into the kitchen, Nami said, “I guess I’ll make breakfast today”. Nami started to make breakfast as the crew was wondering why Zoro and Sanji were sleeping together.

~Timeskip To when Sanji and Zoro wake up~

Sanji and Zoro woke up, Sanji looked up at Zoro and smiled, “Good morning Marimo” “Good morning, Shity Cook”. They both looked at each other for a second before bursting out into laughter, Sanji stopped laughing and looked at Zoro, “What are we now?” he asked. Zoro stopped laughing and looked at Sanji, “Well, we aren't what people call friends, so I guess we are a couple now?”. Sanji’s face went red, and he buried his face in the crook of Zoro's neck. Zoro chuckled and held Sanji in his arms, “How’d you sleep?”. Sanji looked up, “I slept well. What about you?” He asked back, Zoro smiled, “I slept fine, better than I normally do”. He kissed Sanji and put his hands on his waist, but Sanji pulled away immediately and looked him dead in the eyes, “Zoro what time is it right now?” he said slightly loud, but not like a yell kinda loud. Zoro looked over at his clock (pretend they have clocks in One Piece cause I don’t know if they do or not-), “It's 12:27pm?” He said in confusion. Sanji scrambled to get to his feet, falling off the bed and pulling part of the blanket off the bed and Zoro. He quickly got up and looked around for his shirt and pants (they both magically have their boxers back on now), once he grabbed them he started to put them on, “Sanji what’s wrong? What's with the rush?” Zoro asked as he sat up and swung his legs off the bed. “I'm late! I was supposed to make breakfast at 9:30am!” Zoro stood up and started to put his clothes on, “In that case, I’ll grab the plates from dinner last night”. Once he got them on, he went to grab the plates but stopped in his tracks, “Hey Sanji, you set the plates down on the table, right?” He said with confusion. Sanji replied, “Yeah?” he looked over and stopped moving, “Wait where did the plates go!?” Zoro looked at Sanji, “If you didn’t move them and I didn’t move them, then who moved them!?” “Didn’t you lock the door!?” Zoro nodded, “I did, I remembered to check it twice.” Sanji's face turned into one of fear and worry…. 

“Someone was in here before we woke up”

~Word count 795~

AN: IM SO SO SORRT IT TOOK SO LONG! I got sooooo busy lately. School's been getting me really stressed. But as promised, I won't forget to write this story! :)

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