~Chapter 7~

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~Sanji's Pov~

I woke up and I felt something around my waist. I opened my eyes to find I had my head on someone's chest. I looked up immediately at the person's face, it was Zoro…. ‘WAIT! WHY WAS ZORO IN MY BED?’ I sat up and Zoro groaned, “5 more minutes…” as he pulled me back into his arms. ‘Why is Zoro in my bed? Why does my head hurt? AND WHY CAN’T I REMEMBER ANYTHING FROM LAST NIGHT?’ I looked up at Zoro, ‘Wait… don’t tell me we did…’ my face started to feel hot as I thought of what could’ve happened last night. ‘But… he doesn’t like me. Maybe he got too drunk last night and got lost trying to find the room he shared with luffy’. I was lost in thought, but was brought back to reality, “I see you’re awake now” My head shot up to see Zoro was looking down at me and…. Smiling!? “Why are you in my bed!?” I nearly yelled. Zoro sighed, “You don’t remember yesterday do you?” ‘So we did…’  I thought as Zoro sat up, “Before you ask anymore questions, take these” he handed me a small bag of pills, “Why do I need these?” I asked in confusion. “Chopper told me to make sure you take them when you wake up” He said as he put his hand to my forehead, my face felt hot again as I felt my stomach fill with butterflies. “You dont have a fever, that’s a relief” ‘Why would I have a fever?’ Zoro got up, “Stay here, I’ll go get you something to eat” Without thinking I grabbed his hand, “Wait..”. He turned around to look at me, “You want to come with me don’t you?” I nodded. He turned back around and crouched down, “Get on then” I pulled myself onto him and he secured my thighs with his arms. Zoro got up and I thought I was gonna fall, so out of instinct i clinged to Zoros body with my arms and legs. “I got you, don't worry. Once you eat we will talk about yesterday” ‘Oh no, is he mad about last night?..’ Zoro opened my door and the crew looked in our direction, “Sanji, are you feeling okie?” Chopper asked, “Why wouldn’t I?” Everyone looked shocked, “Do you not remember?” I shook my head no, and Nami came in… ‘Why am I not excited to see her anymore?’ I thought. “Well i made breakfast so go eat first. Then we can tell you” 'Wait… does Nami know me and Zoro…’ I buried my face into Zoro’s back before anyone could see it go red and mumbled, “Okie…” however, it seemed Zoro knew. His body kinda shifted and I felt a small grumble come from him, like he was laughing! ‘Does he think what we did was funny?...’ It hurts knowing Zoro doesn't like me, but I'm not into men… But how I felt about Nami and Robin, I now feel when I hear or see Zoro. Zoro then walked to the small kitchen, and set me on an empty spot on the counter . I watched Zoro as he got my breakfast for me, god he makes ANYTHING look good. I started to get lost in my thoughts. I was thinking about what it would be like if Zoro and I got together. Would I make him food? Would we keep it secret from the rest of the crew? Would he kiss me on the cheek? “Earth to Sanji?” I was shaken from my thoughts as my cheeks turned a shade of pink. Zor was standing in front of me with a plate of food. “Are you okie to walk on your own?” he asked me as he set the plate down next to me. ‘Why wouldn’t I be able to walk? Don’t tell me because of what we did I can’t walk now!’ I started to feel embarrassed, “I think so?”. I slid off the counter and as soon as my feet made contact with the floor my legs gave out a bit so I started to fall, Zoro caught me and our faces were inches away. It felt like we would kiss, but then Nami came in, “Is everything alright in here?”. “Yeah, Sanji just tried to stand on his own but he fell over” Zoro said. I felt so embarrassed, Zoro helped me to my feet and put his arm around my waist and put my arm over his shoulder. Zoro looked at Nami, “Could you grab his plate for me Nami? I’ll go help him sit down”. Nami nodded and walked past us, I looked at her face and she was…. GRINNING? ‘WHY WAS SHE GRINNING!?’. Zoro took me out of the kitchen and Chopper asked, “Is Sanji Okie? Can he not walk?” Zoro looked at him, “He tried to stand but fell over so I’m helping him sit down” Chopper seemed less worried, but still worried. Zoro helped me to sit at the table. Nami came over with my plate, she set it down and Zoro sat next to me. Zoro was looking at me, I’m pretty sure he's not gonna stop. I Started to eat my food, Chopper came over with his medical stuff. Why would he need his medical stuff? What really happened to me yesterday?

~Word Count is 894~

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