~Chapter 11~

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A/N: I've realized this is mainly all a flashback, but please enjoy the chapter I've made you all wait so long for(Sorry about the wait tho)

~3rd Person Pov~

As Zoro and Sanji sat on Zoro's bed, they were scared of which crew member came into their room. “The girls are probably the only ones who could unlock the door, but they already had suspicions of us… being a thing. So they shouldn’t have needed to basically break into your room. Right?” Sanji asked Zoro, “Yeah” he replied with hesitation when he heard Sanji say the girls already thought they were a couple. “What if it wasn't them? What if they unlocked it for one of the others? Maybe Chopper wanted to check on me? What if it was Luffy? Or Ussop? Or Franky!” Sanji started freaking out, he didn’t want the others to hate him and judge him, to think he was a disgusting person for liking a man….

~Flashback and in Little Sanji’s Pov~

I walked through the halls of the castle (I'm not sure exactly what Sanji lived in growing up since i myself am not that far, I've just seen clips and some spoilers), I was greeted by my sister, “Sanji did you forget the other kingdoms king is coming to make deals and plans with father?” She asked me as she started pulling me to the throne room. I had completely forgotten father had invited the neighboring kingdom over to make plans about something. Once my sister and I arrived at the throne room we quickly got to our spots, but my throne no longer sat in the spot it was built. Father had taken it out almost immediately after Mother had gotten sick. He blamed me for her sickness so he said I didn't deserve to sit with the rest of them. I was forced to stand the entire time we were in the throne room, even if we were in there for 30 minutes or several hours at a time. “Why did your sister have to go get you!” Father yelled at me and my brothers snickered. “I forgot, I’m sorry ” He raised his hand to slap me but before he could the doors opened and trumpets started to play. Father quickly drew his hand back away from me, as to not ruin his reputation in front of the other king I assume. The other king comes in, his kids follow behind him, 3 girls and 2 boys. My father started to greet the other king, “ Hello King Dorian” “Hello King Judge” (For the sake of the story, the king and his kids are made up, but because Sanji's nationality is french i made the names for the king and his kids french too) King Dorian turned to tell his kids something, then a moment later the kids all lined up in front of him as he spoke, “These are my children. First eldest, Clémentine” A little girl stepped forward, she had hair colored like that of a clementine, and golden yellow eyes that reminded me of honey when the light reflected off of them. For being the oldest she wasn’t the tallest, but definitely not the shortest of her siblings. Clémentine stepped back in her place. King Dorian spoke again, “Second eldest, Noémi” another girl stepped forward. She had dark brown hair that looked like mud, but it complimented her green eyes. They remind me of grass in the morning after it rains. She wasn’t much shorter than her older sister, after a second she stepped back into her place. King Dorian then went on introducing the other 3, 1st boy to be introduced Jean-Luc, he had midnight blue hair and had baby blue eyes. The last daughter is Claire. She had blonde hair like mine but lighter, her eyes were orange, like a deep orange. The last one to be introduced was . The last one to be introduced was Raphaël, he had dark red hair like the blood in a person's veins and he had the most beautiful gray eyes. I watched Prince Raphaël, almost like I was in a trance. But I wasn’t, my brother's names were called. When I looked over I saw my brothers all stand up from their thrones and look at King Dorian's daughters. “Clémentine and Niji, Noémi and Yonji, Claire and Ichiji” it seemed father paired them? King Dorian nodded, “And your daughter?” father looked at Reiju (I have a feeling their father would like…. favorite her over all of them, like didnt give choices for the boys but let reiju choose what she’d want? I dont know how to explain it lol sorry), “You get to pick which one of the sons you like” Reiju looked at me for a moment before looking at the other 2 boys. She looked at each of them, Looked at me and then said, “I don’t know father” she looked at father, “That’s alright, but I’ll need you to tell me soon okie?” My sister noded. I looked back at Raphaël, but he was already looking at me! Out of embarrassment I turned away and looked down at the ground. After a few more minutes my sister asked, “Father, why do you want me to pick one?” My brothers and I looked at him, “Well, whichever one you pick will be the one you will marry when you're older” he looked at my brothers, “Your marriages were already arranged from the start, but your sister gets to choose because he has 2 sons” That means they are going to be married? I felt sad, but I didn't know why. After the meeting we were sent back to our rooms. (for this just forget he's mostly locked away in the dungeon or whatever) Whenever we have guests over I’m allowed to sleep in my old room, but once they leave I have to go back to my ‘new room’. The other king is staying for a few days so I'm allowed to be in my old room till then. I laid on my bed for what felt like hours before I heard a knock on the door. I hesitated, “C-come in” it was Raphaël!? ‘What is he doing here!?’ I thought to myself as I quickly scrambled to get off my bed. Once I got to my feet I looked at him, “your sister asked me to come find you, she didn’t say why but if I am the one she picks to…marry, I’ll have to do anything she says without question” ‘Marry’ I thought, why did it hurt to hear him say that? I don’t even know him! I nodded and followed him out of my room and to my sisters. Once I was at my sister's room I asked what she wanted and she pulled me aside, “Sanji, do you like Raphaël?” “What do you mean?” “ I mean the way you looked at him this morning during fathers meeting. You looked really distracted by Raphaël'' she wasn’t wrong he was a bit distracting but I dont know if I like him, “Well, I do think he has really beautiful gray eyes, and-” before i could say more Raphaël walked over, “You two okie?” He asked with a look of concern. “Yup we are alright just talking about something” my sister quickly said. Raphaël nodded, “Alright, well have you picked which one of us you wanted to marry?” Raphaël’s brother walked over as well and stood next to him. She looked at me then at the brothers, “I choose…. Jean-Luc!” Wait what!? Jean-Luc!? I thought she would have picked Raphaël, but I guess I was wrong? Or did she pick Jean-Luc because I like Raphaël? “Why him?” Raphaël asked, almost disappointed, but I brushed past it. My sister smiled, “Because I don’t deserve someone like you, you deserve someone else” she said and looked at me. Raphaël nodded in defeat and bowed, “Thank you for your time princess” before either his brother or my sister could say something he left the room in tears. I looked at my sister with a look of concern and then left before she could stop me. I looked for Raphaël, when I found him he was sitting on the stairs crying. I sat next to him, “Sorry she didn’t choose you…” I wasn’t sure how to comfort someone, I’ve never really been comforted by someone other than my mother. He wiped his eyes and looked at me, “It's not your fault… uhm what's your name again?” He asked me, “It’s Sanji” I said back. He smiled, “You have a very nice name” I smiled back and stood up, “Wanna come hangout with me in my room?” He nodded and stood up. I led him to my room, I didn’t have very many toys but I did have a few to make it look like I stayed in my room. We played for a little while until one of the maids came by and told us dinner was ready and to head to the dinning hall. Only a few of my mothers maids treated me kindly, as Raphaël and I walked to the dinning hall I tripped and fell forward. I had scraped my hands a little and hurt my knees, but Raphaël helped me up and checked my hands and knees to make sure they weren’t bleeding. After he was done he helped me to the dinning hall, once we walked in his sister Claire asked what’d happen. That’s when everyone turned and looked at me. I knew father would be mad at me for attacking attention so I quickly blurted out I had fallen. Once everyone knew I was okie they went back to chatting, Raphaël helped me to my seat and double checked to make sure I was okie before he sat down himself. During dinner I noticed brothers glaring at me from time to time, I acted like they weren’t and kept eating. When dinner was over and everyone finished up my sister came over and walked me to my room, before she left she asked me something, “Is Raphaël okie?” “Yeah I think he will be okie” I looked at her, she nodded and walked to her room.

~This is still a flashback but im skipping some things, cause if i dont this will be longer than it already is. It’ll be in a 3rd person Pov now tho~

As the days went on, it got closer to the last day the other king would be staying. But the closer it had gotten, so did the relationship and feelings between Sanji and Raphaël. Raphaël had started to enjoy seeing Sanji, more than he should. Sanji didn’t mind it though, he almost wanted Raphaël to. About 2 days before Raphaël and his family would have to leave Sanji did something, something that would soon later get him hurt. As Sanji and Raphaël played in Sanji’s room, Sanji would catch Raphaël staring at him. Sanji stopped playing and got up, “Raphaël could you stand up for a second?” Sanji asked. Raphaël nodded and stood up in confusion, Sanji asked another question, “When my mom was still here she would look at my father  before she’d lean in and kiss him on his cheek. You look at me the same way and I was wondering if you wanted-” but before he could finish his sentence Raphaël grabbed the side of Sanji’s head and pulled Sanji into a quick kiss. Both pulled away quickly as they heard a gasp from Sanji’s doorway, they looked over and they saw one of Raphaël’s siblings. Before Raphaël could say anything to his sibling they ran off yelling their fathers name. Raphaël turned to look at Sanji, Sanji’s face now one of fear and worry. Raphaël hugged Sanji, “I'm sorry Sanji”he said. Sanji hugged back quickly and before either could say another word both King Dorian and King Judge walked into the room. Sanji looked at his father and nearly fell back, his father was enraged, and he knew what was going to happen. King Dorian spoke up, “WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?” he yelled, “F-father it was nothing!” King Dorian grabbed Raphaël’s arm and pulled him away from Sanji, “THE ENGAGEMENTS ARE OFF! MY KIDS WILL NOT MARRY INTO THIS FAMILY” He pulled Raphaël out of the room and Sanji's father followed pleading he not do it. After that, Sanji never saw Raphaël again. Once Raphaël and his family left Sanji was treated worse than he was before. He got beaten by his father and brothers for ‘ruining’ their lives.

~End of flashback but back in adult Sanji’s Pov~

I started crying, I was so scared the crew would hate me and luffy might kick me out of the crew. Zoro pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back as I cried into his shirt, “I d-don’t want to get kicked off! I don’t want to lose you!” Zoro lifted Sanji's chin up with his hand and smiled, “ I won’t let that happen, if Luffy or any of the other members want you gone I’ll leave too” He leaned down, “I won’t ever leave you” he whispered before kissing me, I kissed back and gripped onto his shirt….

I felt as if I would lose him. One day he’d be gone…

~Word Count 2193~

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